Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
معرفة معلمات المرحلة الابتدائية بتلميذات ذوات فرط النشاط الحركي وتشتت الانتباه بمدارس جدة
Subject : College of Home Economics 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This research aims to identify the level of primary female school teachers' knowledge about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in governmental schools and look from three different angles in Jeddah city: they are ( Teachers' knowledge of the symptoms of ADHD, the classroom environment, and the level of Educational intervention methods). The research used sample of a descriptive analytical method. The sample consisted of (77) primary school female teachers in the governmental schools in Jeddah who teach students suffering from ADHD and have official reports from the Early Diagnosis Center affiliated to the Ministry of Education in Jeddah. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, and to assess the female teachers' knowledge of "Disorder", the researcher prepared (35) questionnaire composed from three different angles: (knowledge of the symptoms - knowledge of the classroom environment - knowledge of the methods of educational intervention). Based on the statistical analysis data gathered the researcher has arrived at the following results: The level of female primary school teachers’ knowledge of ADHD in governmental schools was (high) degree in all levels with an average rate amounting to (3.78), and their responses were classified as per the following: (First, the knowledge of classroom environment, followed by the knowledge of the educational intervention method, and lastly the knowledge of the symptoms of disorders), as well as the results showed that as there is no difference between those with average marks and the reality of the teachers knowledge of disorder as per the following variables: (First, the knowledge of classroom environment, followed by the knowledge of the educational intervention, and finally the knowledge of the symptoms). The results also indicated that there are no differences among the averages scorers knowledge reality knowledge of female teachers in disorders as per the following changes: (scientific specialization, academic qualification, and the number of years of experience). While there are differences among the teachers who attended training courses in special education and those who did not attend in knowledge of Disorders in the dimension regarding the knowledge of ADHD in its two dimensions; (the knowledge of the classroom environment) and (educational intervention). It is clear from the above that the teachers' knowledge of hyperactivity and distraction obtained from the results of the questionnaire is satisfactory if applied on the ground. However, the interviews conducted by the researcher on some of the respondents showed that the actual reality needs to educate and train the teachers on how to deal she presented a number of recommendations, including: The importance of developing programs for the preparation of general education parameters through the adding of academic courses aimed at developing the competencies of teachers on special education in general and on hyperactivity and attention destruction in particular, and the preparation of courses and workshops she worked on motor hyperactivity and distraction, forcing teachers to attend and include them in their autobiography; 
Supervisor : Dr. Iqbal Ahmed Attar 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1440 AH
2018 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Lina Omar Bin Siddik 
Added Date : Sunday, December 16, 2018 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ميادة غنام الخطيبAlkhatib, Mayadah GhanamResearcherMaster 


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