I received a BSc degree in Electronic Engineering from King abdualaziz University in 2002, a MSc in medical physics 2008 from the University of surrey and a PhD from University of Surrey in 2012. Between 2002 and 2008 I worked as a project manager in Siemens.  I am currently a assistance professor at King abdualaziz University in the department of nuclear Engineering. 


The goal of my research is to bridge-the-gap between real and computer generated imagery. My research combines the fields of medical imaging, tracking and radiotherapy to investigate new methods for tracking, modeling and understanding of the effect of inter- and intra-fraction motion during radiotherapy.  Applications include: 4D treatment method, tracking internal body motion, Radiotherapy dose escalation, segmentation and respiratory motion compensation.


Current research is focused on adaptive external beam radiotherapy treatment method, method of tracking and capturing internal and external body motion during treatment. Research is conducted in collaboration with university of surrey, UK and University of Massachusetts Medical School, the Medical Physics Group USA