


The Observatory is in the process of completing the first phase:

A. The main center of King Abdul Aziz University is a center for the recording and analysis, which is subject to the breadth (currently includes 30 channels) and the field of mobile stations including the immediate field analysis and assistive devices and antenna tower of receiving field and digital information from the sub-networks, in addition to the Sub-workshops and the main plants of the center. This Center was initially established on an area of 600 sq m on two phases, and had been designed to be widened, according to the development and establishment of other plants.

B. Sub-network in Makka, which began with seven fixed-field and digital stations broadcasting digital information in real time to the Center for registration and analysis of the university, and covers an area of about 100,000 sq km. these stations are:

Type of Data Transmitted Telemetrically to the university Center

Type of Seismometer


Name of Station


wireless direct

vertical short-range

Mars Valley


wireless to Huwayah Switchboard

vertical short-range

Khashab Mounts


leased telephone line

vertical short-range

Kulliyah Valley


Mount Farasan wireless for the radio re-broadcast
Wireless to the Taif Switchboard - leased telephone line

vertical short-range

Laban Mount


wireless to Ranyah Switchboard

vertical short-range

Om Al Athani Mount


wireless to AlMuwayah Switchboard
Leased telephone line

vertical short-range

Hakran Hills



Wireless to Dakkah Mount for radio re-transmission

Wireless to Taif Switchboard - leased telephone line


Al Fara'h


This network is part of the national network in the Kingdom and the headquarters of the main center for the national network at King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology, and is key information linking the National Center of King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology.
The network is implemented in stages and gradually developed so that it can cover the main areas of science in seismology and related sciences for the service of society and the environment and this development results in the network to be able to meet the gradual collection of two functions that complete each other and include:

A) studies and research of early warning and control sources of seismic waves, including the reasons for the introduction of scientific programs and in harmony with our local and national composition of qualified personnel, to cover the elements of early warning in the long term and short-term, and conduct basic research and the development of techniques and the introduction of most recent and consolidate, develop and strengthen systems early warning of earthquakes (earthquakes).

B) The essential duties in the areas of assessment and to minimize the impact of seismic disasters (earthquakes) and to become able to supply the concerned areas with the basic and necessary data.

Last Update
1/15/2009 7:38:57 PM