Published Papers


  1-Zaitoon, A.A.,  M. Sasaki and M. Matsuka (1987) Feeding behavior and flow of diet in an observation hive. 31st Int. Apicult. Cong. Apimondia , Poland pp 156-159.   

  2- Zaitoon, A.A. M. Matsuka and M. Sasaki(1988) Feeding efficiency of pollen substitutes in a honey bee colony: Effect of feeding  site on royal jelly and queen production . Appl. Ent. Zool.  23(4) 481-487.

3- Zaitoon , A.A. (1988) Feeding efficiency in a honey bee. XVIII Int. Cong. Entomol., Vancouver, B.C. Canada pp239-244.

4- Zaitoon, A.A. (1989) An effective measure to feed pollen substitute to honey bee colonies. Honey bee Science, 10(2) 59-64.

5- Zaitoon, AA, M.S. Shawir and T.A. Hassan(1991) Field and laboratory evaluation of certaininsecticides against wooly aphid. Pest Contro &Envinron. Sci. 3, 130-142.

6- Shawir,MS., E.H. Tayeb and  A.A. Zaitoon (1992) Comparative Biochemical studies on Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha domineca

      And Callosobruchus maculates. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 37(1) 447-467.

7- Rawash, I.A., A.A. El-Fazairy and A. A. Zaitoon(1994) An introduction to integrated control of some greenhouse pests in Egypt.

    J. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci. 6(2) 323-330

8- El-Shahawi, F., M.S. Shawir, A.A. Zaitoon and MM. Abo El-Saad (1995) Biochemical effect of carboxylate compounds on certain honeybee enzymes: An in vitro study. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci. 8(1) 53-57.

9- Zaitoon, A.A. , M.S. Shawir, M.M. Abo-El-Saad and F.I. El-Shahawi (1995) Evaluation of the performance of certain organic acids on the parasitic bee mite, Varroa jacobsoni . J. king Saud Univ. Agric. Sci. 7(1) 95-102.

10- Zaitoon, A.A. and F. M. Harraz (1995) Effect of Rhazya stricta extracts on Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) and Tribolium castanium (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae ). Alex. J. Pharm. Sci., 9(3) 237-239.

11- Zaitoon A.A. (1995) Artificial diet for mass-production of some Coccinellid  beetles. Com. Sci.&Dev. Res. 52, 129-136.

12 El-Hag, EA., F.M. Harraz,  A.A. Zaitoon and A.K. Salama(1996) Evaluation of some wild herb extracts for  control of  mosquitoes, (Culicidae: Diptera). J. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci. 8(1) 135-145).

12- El-Hag,EA., A.A. Rokibah  and A.A. Zaitoon (1996) Natural enemies of cereal aphid in sprinkler-Irrigated wheat in central Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Agric. Univ. Cairo, 47(4) 649-664.

13- El-Hag, E.A. and A.A. Zaitoon (1998) Biological parameters for Coccienelled species in central Saudi Arabia . Biol. Control, 5, 389-396.

14- Salama, AK. And A.A. Zaitoon (1998) Elimination metabolism and anticholinesterase properties of carbofuran in fruit stalk borer Oryctes elegans . J. Environ. Sci. Health, B33(5) 595-608.

15- El-Hag, A.E., A.H El-Nadi and A.A. Zaitoon (1999) Effect of three plant methanolic extracts on egg hatchability and larval development of Culex pipiens L. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci. 13(2) 93-97.

16- El-Hag, E.A. , A.H. El-Nadi and A.A. Zaitoon (1999) Effect of some plant extracts on two agricultural pests: Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera :Noctuidae) and Hpera brunneipennis (Boh.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) . Alex. J. Pharm. Sci. 13(1) 15-18.

17- El-Hag, EA., A.H. El-Nadi and A.A. Zaitoon (1999) Toxic and growth retarding effects of three plant extracts on Culex pipiens larva (Diptera: Culicidae) Phytother. Res. 13, 388-392.

18- El-Hag, EA. , A. A, Zaitoon and A.H. El-Nadi (1999) Ovipositional deterrence of methanolic and ethereal extracts of five plants to the cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus maculates(F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchiae) Agric. Sci Sultan Qaboos Univ., 4(2) 27-33.

19-Zaitoon, A.A. and A.K. Salama (2000) Selective field toxicity of four insecticides on wheat aphid, Schizaphis graminum and its three coccinellid predators. J. Pest Cont. &Environ. Sci. 6(1) 85-96.

20- Al-Eryan, M.A.S., A.A. Zaitoon and H.A. Rezk (2000) The use of Coccinella 11-punctata( Coleoptera:Coccinellidae) against Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Okra plant. Alex. J. Agric. Res. , 46(1) 107-114.

22- Zaitoon, A.A. (2000) Studies on the integrated control of cereal aphids in the Qassim area, Saudi Arabia. The PCPC Conf. , Pests&Diseases 2000, proceeding of Int. Conf. , Brighton , UK. Vol.3, 449-453.

22- Zaitoon, A. A. and E.A. El-Hag (2000) Use of Coccinella undecimpunctata L. and primicarb as biochemical control agents for Schizaphis graminum  in Gassim , Saudi Arabia. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 45(1) 167-177.

23- Zaitoon, A.A. (2001) Quality of royal jelly produced by honeybee fed on some pollen substitutes. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci., 15(1) 49-52

24- Zaitoon, A.A. (2001) Evaluation of some natural products as control agents of the parasitic bee mite Varroa jacobsoni Oud. Alex. Sci. Exch. 22(2) 149-155.

25- Zaitoon, A.A. and M.A. El-Eryan (2001) Toxicity of certain plant extracts to the parasitic bee mite, Varroa jacobsoni in colonies of Apis mellifera. J. Pest. Cont. & Environ. Sci., 9(3) 27-38.

26- Zaitoon, A.A. (2001) Evaluation of certain plant extracts for control of parasitic bee mite Varroa jacobsoni. J. Pest. Cont.& Environ. Sci. 9(3) 77-88.

27- Zaitoon, A.A.  (2002) Toxicity of three plant extracts to Trogoderma graminum Evrtts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) . Alex. Sci. Exch. 22(2) 139-147.

28- Zaitoon,A.A.(2002) Effect of Thiamine on rearing queens of the honeybees. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci., 16(1) 55-57.

29- Zaitoon, A. A. (2003) Effect of pollen substitutes on the nutritional physiology of honeybees. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci. 14(20: 106-109.

30- Zaitoon , A .A. (2004)Genatics resistance to insecticides in mosquitoes . J. Appl. Ent. Zool., 53, 122-128.

31- hegazi, E.M. , E. Agamy, W. Khafagi, and A.A. Zaitoon (2004) Preliminary study on the combined effect of mating disruption and inundative releases of Trichgramma evanscens West against the olive moth, Preys oleae Bern. Arab conf. of Appl. Bio. Pest Cont. , cairo, Egypt.

32- Hegazi, E.M. , E. Agamy , S. Hassn, W. Khafagi, S. Showel, and A.A.Zaitoon (2004) Successful application of indundative release of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma evanescens West to control the olive moth , Prays oleae Bern. Arab Conf. of Appl. Bio. Pest Cont., Cairo , Egypt.

33- Hegazi, E.M. E. Agamy, S. Hassan, A. Al-Minshawy , A. A. Zaitoon , S. El-Said , N. Khamis and S. El-Kemny (2004) Inundative release of Trichograma evanescens against the olive moth , Prays oleae and jasmine moth, Palpita unionalis in Egypt. XXII Intern. Cong. Ento. , Brisbane , Australia .

34- Higazi, EM., M. Mazomenos , P. Milons W. Khafagi and A. Zaitoon (2004) evaluation of mating disruption for the control of jasmine moth, Palpita unionalis (Lepidoptera : Pyralide) In Egypt. XXII Intern. Cong. Ento. ., Brisbane, Australia .

35- Gad, A.A. , A.A. zaitoon and H. Magda (2005) Effect of inorganic food additives on the productivity of the silk worm Bomby mori L. J. pest Cont.,&Environ. Sci. 13(1), 19-28.

36- Zaitoun, A. A. (2006) Plant products as alternative strategy for control of parasitic    

                  bee  mite,   Varroa destructor. Arab Conf. for Honey bee, Univ. of Al- 

                  Tahady, Sert- Libya, 


37-El-Zemity ,S., H. Rezk and A. Zaitoun (2006) Acaricidal activities of some   

                   essential oils and their  monoterpeniodal constituents  against house dust

                   mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus   (Acari: Pyroglyphidae). J

                   Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B 7(12): 957-962).


38- Fathy, H.M., M.E. Rehab, A.A.M.Gad and A.A.Zaitoun( 2008) Effect of honey

                    bee products on  some biological parameters of the mulberry silk worm

                    Bombyx mori L. J. Agric. Mansoura  Univ., 33(5): 3659- 3664.


39- Abdel-Sattar, E., A.A. Zaitoun, M.A.Farag, and S.H. ElGayed and F. H.

                     Harraz(2009) Chemecal composition, insecticidal and insect repellent

                     activity of Schinus molle L. J. Phyto.  Chem. ( Under publication) 

40- El-Zemity ,S., H. Rezk and A. Zaitoun (2006) Acaricidal activities of some   

                   essential oils and their  monoterpeniodal constituents  against the parasitic bee mites, varroa destructor (Acari; Varroidea). J. App.Sci.Rec. 2(11:1032-1036)

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11/6/2008 6:02:22 PM