
1-  International Congress of Entomology, 1985, Japan Annual meeting for Asia beekeeping, Tokyo, Japan.From 1985- 1990.
2- International Congress of Honey bees, 1987, Poland
3- International Congress of Entomology, 1988, Canada XVII Int. Cong. Entomology, Vancouver, Canada.
4- International Congress of Entomology, 1989 Kouchi, Japan.
5- Annual Meeting for Date Palm Pests Gasiem, 1996, 1998,  Saudi Arabia.
6- International Congress For Pests & Diseases, 2000, Brighton, UK.
7- International Congress of Medical Entomology, 2002,  Brisbane, Australia.
8-Congress of Honey bees in Arab Countries, 2006, Libya.6th International Arab Apicultural Conference, 2009, Asser, Saudi Arabia.

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12/23/2008 6:18:02 PM