General Note

B.Sc. In plant protection: 1979, with the grading " Excellent with HONOUR DEGREE " from Faculty of Agriculture, Economic Entomology Department, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Demonstrator ,1979 in the same faculty
Assistant lecture, 1982, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt, Department of Economic Entomology.
Scholarship from Japanese government for studying Ph .D., 1984 to 1990.
In Entomology. (honey bee science).
Language: English, Japanese, Arabic.
Assistant professor, 1990 ( Department of Economic Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt)
Fellowship from Japanese Government for Research, 1992
Associate professor,1996 ( department of Economic Entomology, Alexandria University, Egypt
Professor of at the same department, 2002
Number of published paper, 40 and the majority of publication in international journals and International conferences.
Attending many international congress allover the world
Sharing many scientific projects supported by USA and European community.
Doing research with ministry of Agriculture in Egypt in the field of Red palm weevil.
Sharing United nation in Egypt for project for development of rural women in the field of honey bees and silk worms.

Last Update
12/17/2008 6:37:21 PM