الاهتمامات البحثيه

1.      Extended method of quasilinearization for impulsive three-point nonlinear boundary value problems:  Project No.159/424, Scientific Research Council, King Abdulaziz University, KSA (2003). 


2.      Instability of Nonautonomous Impulsive State Dependent Delay Differential Systems:  Project No.160/426, Institute of Research &   Consultation, King Abdulaziz University, KSA (2005). 


3.      Diffraction of a spherical acoustic wave due to the coupling of pressure  release and absorbing half planes in a moving fluid:  Project No.162/426,  Institute of Research &  Consultation,  King Abdulaziz University, KSA (2005). 


4.      Stability Analysis in Terms of Two Measures for Setvalued Hybrid Integro-Differential Equations:  Project No.167/427, Institute of Research &   Consultation,  King Abdulaziz University, KSA  (2007). 


5.      The Monotone Method and Positive Pseudo-Symmetric Solutions of a Three-  Point Second Order  Integro-Differential Boundary Value Problem:  Project No.176/427,  Institute of Research & Consultation,  King  Abdulaziz University, KSA  (2007). 


6.      Existence of Solutions for Nonlinear Impulsive Functional Integro-Differential Equations of Mixed Type with Anti-Periodic Boundary Conditions, Project No.428/156,  Institute of Research & Consultation,  King  Abdulaziz University, KSA  (in progress). 


7.      Approximation of Solutions of the Forced Duffing Type Integro-Differential  Equations with Integral Boundary Conditions, Project No.428/155, Institute of Research & Consultation,  King  Abdulaziz University, KSA  (in progress). 


آخر تحديث
11/15/2008 2:13:42 AM