A. Undergraduate Courses Taught:
1. Introduction to Computers.
2. Computer Programming I & II.
3. Introduction to Engineering Design.
4. Experimental Engineering.
5. Analytical Methods in Engineering.
6. Circuit Theory.
7. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves.
8. Discrete Mathematics
9. Numerical Analysis.
10. Computational Methods in Engineering.
11. Principles of Automatic Control.
12. Digital Computer Fundamentals.
13. Switching Theory.
14. Digital Design I & II.
15. Digital Computer Organization.
16. Advanced Programming.
17. Data Structures and Algorithms.
18. Digital Electronics.
19. Antennas and Propagation.
20. Computer Communication Networks.
21. Structure of Programming Languages.
22. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
23. Special Topics in Electrical Engineering.
B. Graduate Courses Taught:
1. Analysis of Linear Networks.
2. Programming Languages Structure.
3. Advanced Computer Architecture.
4. Computer Performance Evaluation.
5. Advanced Switching Theory.
6. Special Topics in Computer Engineering.
C. Ph. D. Theses Supervised:
Statistical Methods for Cytotoxic Assays Data.
D. master theses supervised:
Computerized Fault Diagnosis of General Analog Circuits.
A Knowledge-Based Program Generator.
An Expert System for the Performance Analysis and Tuning of the Customer Information Control System ( CICS ).
Computer-Aided Analysis of Software Reliability Characteristics.
An Expert System for the Performance Management of Typical Direct Access Storage Devices.
Markovian Modeling of Partially-Redundant Reliability Systems.
Reliability Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Programs Using Fault-Tree Models.
The Variable-Entered Karnaugh Map and its Applications.
Evaluation and Comparison of Software Packages Used in the Analysis of Markov Processes Arising in Reliability Engineering.
Reliability Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks.
Reliability Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms.
Fast Manual and Computer Techniques for Solving Boolean Equations.
Development of a Computer Package for the Analysis and Control of a Practical Multi-Machine Power System.
14. Map and Computer Solutions of the conventional, Hazard-Free and Low-Power Boolean Minimization Problems.
15. Reliability Analysis of Combined, Multi-State and Multidimensional Partially Redundant Systems.
16. Fast Map and Computer Techniques for Solving Boolean Differential Equations.
17. An Efficient Software Package for Solving Boolean Equations
18. Reliability Analysis of Complex Systems by Network Decomposition.
19. A Study of Some Logic Applications to Artificial Neural Networks.
20. Design and Implementation of a Software Package for Periodical Preventive Maintenance (PPM) Scheduling Integrated with a Ready Made Package.
21. Designing Computer Programs to Check and Correct Their Results.
22. Design and Implementation of an Arabic Search Engine.
23. An Interactive Tutoring Package Used in the Computer-Aided Solution of Engineering Problems.
24. Development of a Software Package That Aids in the Resolution of Engineering Ethical Dilemmas.
25. A Study of Synchronous Boolean Networks and Their Applications.
26. Design and Development of a Web-Based Project Management System.
27. Computer Modeling and Control of the Cost of System Reliability.
28. Design and Development of an Academic Online Registration System for a Private Institute.
29. Enabling Mainframe Software Applications on a Web Environment.
30. A Comparative Study and Implementation of Light Path Restoration Algorithms Used in Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Optical Networks.
31. Design and Implementation of Self Service Machines for Airline Companies.
32. Design and Implementation of an RGB LED message board.
33. Development of a Traffic Monitoring System Using Digital Cameras.
E. Senior Projects Supervised:
Supervised about 50 senior projects covering a variety of topics including: optical-fiber communications, computer-aided analysis of electronic circuits, digital control, efficient computation of system reliability, design of easily-testable logic circuits, analysis and design of algorithms, practical applications of variable-entered Karnaugh maps, and design for minimality, testability or reliability.