Course Objectives

B. Learning Objectives:


Reading Skills:


The course aims to accomplish a set of objectives . The students should be able to

  1. predict meanings of new words from context
  2. form correct meaningful sentences with the new vocabulary.
  3. Match vocabulary  items with examples
  4. recognize words with the same or similar meanings. 
  5. find illustrations of new words to predict their meaning.
  6. differentiate between cause and effect statements.
  7. match paragraph titles
  8. apply punctuation to recognize supporting details.
  9. skimming for topics and main ideas.
  10. identify parts of speech from suffixes.
  11. understand adverbs of manner.
  12. recognizing nouns and adjectives
  13. comprehend new vocabulary from previously known prefixes, stems and suffixes.
  14. recognize main ideas in a reading selection.
  15. recognize supporting ideas from a reading context.
  16. identify antonyms.


Writing Skills:


The course aims to fulfilling a set of objectives . The students should be able to

  1. use a vocabulary chart.
  2. write a descriptive paragraph about a given topic.
  3. write an informative letter to a friend.
  4. write a narrative paragraph on
  5. write a comparative paragraph between to two sports.
  6. form sentences using prepositions of location, direction and distance.
  7. combining sentences by using conjunctions ( because, before, after, when and as soon as).
  8. understand the importance of the topic sentence
  9. organize one’s ideas in an orderly manner
  10. acquire the habit of correction by using drafts
  11. using transitional words and phrases ( also, in addition, in fact and however )
  12. ensure that logical cohesion is maintained
  13. form sentences using comparative adjectives and adverbs.
  14. observe the special stylistic expressions in medical writing
  15. differentiate between time words ( when, while, before, after, then and as soon as )
  16. write a summary

Last Update
3/13/2009 2:32:14 PM