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 - Organotin compounds containing a bulky (Me3Si)3C or related ligand. Crystal structures of {(Me3Si)3CMe(O2NO)Sn}2O , (PhMe2Si)3CSnMeCl
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Salih S. Al-Juaid, Mustafa Al-Rawi, Colin Eaborn, Peter B. Hitchcock, J. D. Smith


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- Attachment of the New Bulky Ligand (Me3Si)2(Me2NMe2Si)C to Li, Hg, Al, Ga, and Sn. Crystal Structures of [Li{C(SiMe3)2(SiMe2NMe2)}(THF)2], [Hg{C(SiMe3)2(SiMe2NMe2)}2], [Al{C(SiMe3)2(SiMe2NMe2)}X2]  (X = Cl, Ph), and [Ga{C(SiMe3)2(SiMe2NMe2)}Cl2]


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- Organolanthanide chemistry with bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl- and tert –butyldimethyl-substituted cyclopentadienyl ligands. Synthesis and characterisation of tris(cyclopentadienyl)lanthanide(III) complexes, including crystal structures of [Ln{ η5-C5H4CH(SiMe3)2}3] (Ln = Nd or Tm) and
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- Tris(triorganosilyl)methyl derivatives of potassium and lithium bearing dimethylamino or methoxy substituents at silicon. Crystal structures of KC(SiMe3)2(SiMe2NMe2), KC(SiMe2NMe2)3 and [LiC(SiMe3)(SiMe2OMe)2]2


Salih S. Al-Juaid, Colin Eaborn, Salima El-Hamruni, Adam Farook, Peter B. Hitchcock, Martijn Hopman, J. David Smith, William Clegg, Keith Izod and Paul O'Shaughnessy


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- A Versatile Bulky Bidentate Ligand for Both Main Group and Transition Metals. Derivatives of Lithium, Potassium, Magnesium, Chromium, Manganese, and Cobalt Containing the C(SiMe3)2(SiMe2C5H4N-2) Group


Salih S. Al-Juaid, Colin Eaborn, Peter B. Hitchcock, Michael S. Hill, and J. David Smith


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- Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Copper(II) Acetate Monohydrate


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- Compounds of Germanium, Tin, and Lead Containing the Ligand


Salih S. Al-Juaid, Anthony G. Avent, Colin Eaborn, Michael S. Hill, Peter B. Hitchcock, Deepa J. Patel, and J. David Smith


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- Crystal Structures of organometallic compounds of lithium and magnesium containing the bulky ligands C(SiMe3)2(SiMe2X), X = Me, Ph, NMe2, or C5H4N-2


Salih S. Al-Juaid, Anthony G. Avent, Colin Eaborn, Salima M. El-Hamruni, Simon A. Hawkes, Michael S. Hill, Martijn Hopman, Peter B. Hitchcock, J. David Smith


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- AB-INITIO Calculations of the electronic structure of heavy p-Block hydride


Salih S. Al-Juaid


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- Non-Ionic Surfactants as Corrosion Inhibitors for Dissolution of Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution


Salih S. Al-Juaid


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- Separation and Determination of Cu0 , Cu+1 and Cu+2 in Copper Catalysts


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- Attachment to manganese or cobalt of a bulky tris(organosilyl)methyl ligand containing an NMe2 or an OMe donor group


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- A Novel Podophyllotoxin Lignan from Justicia heterocarpa


Salih S. Al-Juaid and Mamdouh Abdel-Mogib


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- Some Cryoscopic Studies on Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate and Other Inorganic Solutes in Molten Potassium


Salih S. Al-Juaid


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- Alkylation and Benzolyattion of 5-Hydroxy-3-Methyl-1H-Pyrazole Under Phase Transfer Catalysis


Salih S. Al-Juaid


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- Structure, phase transitions and conductivity of 4-benzyl pyridinum dihydrogenmonosulfate C6H5CH2C5H4NH+ .HSO4-


Z. Elaoud, Salih Al-Juaid, T. Mhiri


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- Synthesis, Characterisation, phase transition and electrical properties of 4-benzyl pyridium dihydrogenmonosulfate and monohydrogenmonosulfate


Z. Elaoud, Salih Al-Juaid, T. Mhiri


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- A Refined X-Ray Crystal Structure of: Silver Nitrate Hexamethylenetetramine


Mutasim I. Khalil, Manel M. Al-Romaih, Suzan M. Abu-zeid and Salih Al-Juaid


J. Saudi Chem. Soc., Vol 10, No. 3, pp. 467-474, 2006


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11/30/2008 11:30:14 AM