Funded Researches:
(fundeded by Deanship of Research)
a)Scientific Research projects:
Main Researcher:
The influence of green tea on diabetes mellitus and
Protective effect of vitamin E and selenium on aluminum
teratogencity in albino rat pups
The role of aloe Vera on the gastric ulcer induced by
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammtory drugs in rats
Exploring the possible molecular mechanism of spider venoms
effects on cultured heart cells.
A study on the effect of obesity in pregnant rats on the
pancreatic of Langerhans of their foetuses and newborns.
Effect of graded dietary copper and zinc supplementation on
progression of atherosclerosis in cholestrol-fed rabbits
Altered pancreatic development in the offspring of pregnant
and lactating rats given low protein diet.
Substance (P) to diagnose the pathogenesis of alzheimr ,2003-2004 supported by KACST.
The Preventive and therapeutic Role of curcumin in Liver
Effect of food poisining by aflatoxin B1 on intestinal
motility.Theraputic developments using different synthetic ligands."
"Histochemical ,Ultra-structural and
cytogenetical Effects of Taxol".
b) Development Research projects:
Training administrative leader for setting SMART objectives
to support steps towards administrative Development at the Women Campus K.A.U
"The use
of standards ISO 9000 quality system of management development portion of
female experimental approach" and was published in the Journal of the
Faculty of Commerce, p 2 (1428H)
work in the archives portion of public administration students to the
electronic archiving," (1427 / 1428H)