Funded Researches

Funded Researches:

 (fundeded by Deanship of Research)


      a)Scientific Research projects:


           Main Researcher:


·         The influence of green tea on diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolemia

·         Protective effect of vitamin E and selenium on aluminum teratogencity in albino rat pups

·         The role of aloe Vera on the gastric ulcer induced by Nonsteroidal anti-inflammtory drugs in rats

·         Exploring the possible molecular mechanism of spider venoms effects on cultured heart cells.

·         A study on the effect of obesity in pregnant rats on the pancreatic of Langerhans of their foetuses and newborns.

·         Effect of graded dietary copper and zinc supplementation on progression of atherosclerosis in cholestrol-fed rabbits

·         Altered pancreatic development in the offspring of pregnant and lactating rats given low protein diet.




·         Substance (P) to diagnose the pathogenesis of alzheimr ,2003-2004 supported by KACST.

·         The Preventive and therapeutic Role of curcumin in Liver Cirrhosis"

·         Effect of food poisining by aflatoxin B1 on intestinal motility.Theraputic developments using different synthetic ligands."

·         "Histochemical ,Ultra-structural and cytogenetical Effects of Taxol".


         b) Development Research projects:


·         Training administrative leader for setting SMART objectives to support steps towards administrative Development at the Women Campus K.A.U

·         "The use of standards ISO 9000 quality system of management development portion of female experimental approach" and was published in the Journal of the Faculty of Commerce, p 2 (1428H)


·         "Development work in the archives portion of public administration students to the electronic archiving," (1427 / 1428H)

Last Update
3/26/2009 9:57:16 AM