الابحاث المنشورة

M. Ayman Abdullah and Omar M. Ambar  (1991): Urbah Heat Island of Jeddah, JKAU: Met., Env., Arid Land Agr. Sci., 2, 73-82.

O. M. Y. Anbar (2007): Measurements of Sensible Heat Using Eddy Correlation Method in the Mina Valley  during the Haj Period 1417. JKAU: Met., Env., And Arid Land Agr. Sci., 18 (1), 41-57.

O. M. Y. Anbar (2007): Solar Eclipse Effects on the Air Layer Near the Surface over Makkah Region., JKAU: Met., Env., And Arid Land Agr. Sci., 18 (2), 41-57.

O. M. Y. Anbar (2007): A Method For Determination of the Surface Layer Parameters Using Wind Velocity Profile, Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., 18 (1) (June),101-115.

O. M. Y. Anbar (2007): The Net Radiation in the Tented and  Jamarat Areas in the Mina Valley, Makkah During the 1424H Haj Period. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., 18 (2) (Dec.),139-150.

O. M. Y. Anbar (2009): Estimation of Roughness Parameters, Sensible and Latent Heat Flux in the Hada Al Sham Area, Makkah . JKAU: Met., Env., And Arid Land Agr. Sci., 20 ( 2 ), 77-93.

عنبر، عمر محمد يعقوب  و حسين، محمود  عبد الرحيم (2010): تغيرالمناخ الدقيق لمنطقة الحرم المكى الشريف  بمكة المكرمة  أثناء موسم حج عام 1428هـ (2007م)، مجلة جامعة الملك عبد العزيز، علوم الأرصاد والبيئة وزراعة المناطق الجافة،21 (1)، 285-302.                                                                                          
O. M. Y. Anbar (2010): The Equilibrium Temperatures in the Haram Area, Makkah During Ramadan 1429H and Their Impact on the Umra pilgrims Comfort I. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., 21 (2) ,83-99. d                                      dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

O. M. Y. Anbar (2010): The Equilibrium Temperatures in the Haram Area, Makkah During Ramadan 1430H and Their Impact on the Umra pilgrims Comfort II. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., 21 (2) ,45-59.                                                       DDDDDDdddddddddddddddddDDdddd

    O. M. Y. Anbar (2012) Energy Balance Portioning at King Abdulaziz KAU Campus 

                            .Jeddah in Winter/Autumn 2012, Bull.Fac., Cairo Univ.80(A),71-101-

    O. M. Y. Anbar (2013): Decrease of the amount of short-wave radiation that reaching

  the Earth's surface because of thick dust stuck in the air for the Makkah region in the period between 19 and 21 March 2012,  JKAU: Met., Env., And Arid Land Agr. Sci., 24 ( 2 ), 75-94


M. A. Hussain and O. M. Y. Anbar (2014): Urban Heat Island of Jeddah City in the Spring of (1433AH, 2012 AD),  JKAU: Met., Env., And Arid Land Agr. Sci., 25 (1), 95-119.


O. M. Y. Anbar(under review): Introduction To Meteorology, Scientific Publishing Centre, King Abdul Aziz Universit, Jeddah.


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10/1/2017 2:32:36 PM