- Delegate for the Electronic Department, Kent University in the 9th European Microwave Conference, 1979.
- Chairman of the IEEE student Activities Committee (1987)
- The Chairman of IEEE Inter Society Committee (1989).
- Delegate for the King Abdul Aziz University in United Nations. Workshop on Regional Silicon Foundry and Design Centers in the Arab Countries. 7th of March, 1986.
- Representative for the Saudi Arabian National Center of Science and Technology in the Solar Energy Conference, Lakewood (Denver) Colorado 10th of April, 1983.
- Director of Instrumentation Center, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, from 1982-until 1988.
- Professor in Communication in the College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University.
- Manager of Sports Activities at the College of Engineering (1984-1988).
- The development of a more comprehensive software package for designing and Improvement performance and reliability of Fiber Optic Link.
- The development of a useful Microwave Window containing 93 computer programs.
- Optimization of the 2slug coaxial oscillator.
- Optimization of the Microstrip oscillator using a single transformer.