Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Clinical and Bacterial Evaluation of Xylitol on Caries and Streptococcus Mutans Level among Patients with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances
دراسة إكلينيكية و بكتريولوجية لفاعلية مادة الزايليتول في مقاومة البكتريا المسببة لتسوس الأسنان لدى مجموعة من مرضى التقويم
Subject : Preventive Dental Sciences Department 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Little attention has been paid to the use of xylitol in orthodontic patients despite the fact that side-effects in the form of enamel decalcifications are frequently reported. Aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different xylitol delivery media including gum, and chewable tablets on reducing the levels of cariogenic bacteria in the saliva, level of plaque, and the reminiralization of the labial/buccal surfaces of the teeth in fixed orthodontic patients. The study also, evaluated the side effects of each medium on the orthodontic appliances in the form of number of de-bonded brackets. Materials and Methods: The study was a randomized control clinical trial included 41 subjects who underwent orthodontic treatment. They all received oral hygiene instructions, fluoride application and scaling before randomization. The subjects were randomly allocated into three groups. The First group received xylitol chewing gum (group A) at a dose of 6 g per day for the first 3 months. The second group (group B) received xylitol chewable tablets at a dose of 6 g per day for 3 months. The final group served as the control group and didn’t receive xylitol gums or tablets. Clinical examination and the collection of plaque and saliva samples were carried out at baseline and 3 months. During the patients' regular orthodontic visits the numbers of broken brackets were counted and were used to study the side effects of the different delivery systems on the orthodontic appliances. Results: chewing gum consumers as well as the chewable tablets consumers showed a statistically significant reduction of plaque level at the end of the 3 months of xylitol consumption. The chewable tablets, showed a significant reduction in the MS counts in saliva. There was reduction in number of teeth with labial/buccal decalcification but none were significant. Use of xylitol gum/chewable tablets did not cause any harm on the brackets and wires. Conclusion: xylitol could be effective preventive measure for high caries risk patients as orthodontic patients, and it is friendly with the brackets and wires as it did not cause any damage in a three months follow-up. 
Supervisor : Dr. Mohammed I. Masoud 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1433 AH
2012 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Abdullah S. Almushayt 
Added Date : Saturday, July 7, 2012 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ريم محمد اللاركياAllarakia, Reem MohamedResearcherMaster 


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