Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
الجماعات غير الرسمية وتأثيرها على اتخاذ القرار.
Subject : College of Arts - Department of Sociology 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The present study aimed to explore the relationship variables of informal groups and decision-making within the enterprise official. As the established field of study was passing through a process of allocation of study led to a significant change in management structure and composition of human resources within them, which led to the process of demobilization and replacement. In order to detect it, the researcher following a descriptive Study based on social survey sample has a method, to detect the variables related to the subject of study. I have been using three tools to gather information in this study (questionnaire, participant observation, the location of the Web "Internet"). Where data were collected for this study in the year 1431 / 1432 H, through the spatial domain of the study to answer its questions, which revolve around informal groups, the relationship that bind them, their demands, their impact on the industryanddecision-making. The results of research to reflect a different relationship with a statistical significance in most of the variables of the study, by showing the absence of a positive correlation relationship between informal groups and decision-making within the enterprise. The study resulted in recommendations of several of the most important and should communicate more with the workers inside the facility, and the work of education and entertainment programs for workers, as well as to follow the principle of transparency with them. 
Supervisor : dr.Mushabab Gharamah Hasan Al-asmari 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1433 AH
2012 AD
Added Date : Sunday, January 15, 2012 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
رهام خالد زارعZAREI, REHAM KHALEDResearcherMaster 


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