Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Exploratory Study of Different Aspects Related to General Anesthesia Procedure Provided for Pediatric Dental Patients in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
دراسة استبيانة لعمليات علاج اسنان الاطفال بالتخدير العام في ثلاث مستشفيات حكومية بمينة جدة بالمملكة العربية السعودية
Document Language : English 
Abstract : The growing use of general anesthesia (GA) in dentistry since the late 1990s has been recorded all over the world. Safety of the children who need dental treatment under GA remains the major limiting factor for GA use. Review of post-operative morbidity reports for pediatric dental care under GA showed great variations from negligible to more than 90% of patients having postoperative complaints. Until now, no morbidity data has been available to estimate the safety of pediatric patients under GA for dental rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia (SA). The purposes of this study were to (1) determine the characteristics of patients, dental treatment and hospital protocols followed for pediatric treatment under GA at multi-dental centers in Jeddah, SA, (2) investigate post-operative complications associated with dental care under GA over three days post-operatively and (3) correlate morbidity reports with some children characteristics and hospital protocol. Study sample included 90 children attending GA for dental treatment at major hospitals in Jeddah, specifically, King Fahad Hospital (KFH), King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH), and National Guard Hospital (NGH). Data were collected from every patient twice, intra-operatively at the operating room using a pre-designed form, and post-operatively via phone calls in the first and third days after operation. Results showed that the main indication for pediatric dental general anesthesia (PDGA) procedure was younger age with an extensive caries. Hospitals were significantly different in patient's protocols for PDGA procedures (such as: admission and premedication). Although the anesthetic medications used in the hospitals were different, 80% of the children did not experience any intraoperative complications and the rest were managed safely and discharged mostly within the same day. The mean number of treated teeth per child was 14±3.8 and it was not affected by age, gender, or medical status of the children. Dental treatment under GA mostly included restorations and extractions, and it was significantly affected by the child's age. The three dental centers were significantly different in the types of applied dental procedures. Ninety- nine percent (99%) of the children had one or more complaints in the first day in contrast to only 33.3% in the third day. Inability to eat (85.5%), sleepiness (71%), and pain (68%) were the most common complaints in the first day, followed by drowsiness (39%), sore throat (34%), vomiting (25.5%), psychological changes (24%), fever (21%), respiratory problems (12%), and nausea (9%). A great significant complaints reduction was reported by the third post-operative day, in which the most reported complaints were pain (14%), inability to eat (12%), and sore throat (8%). Age and gender of the patients were the factors that showed a significant relationship with post-operative complaints. In conclusion, dental treatment under GA was indicated mostly for younger children with extensive dental caries. Anesthetic management in our hospitals allows the PDGA procedure to be carried out safely. Post-operative morbidity for PDGA was common, but mostly of mild severity and limited to the first day. 
Supervisor : Abdullah Almushayt 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1428 AH
2007 AD
Added Date : Monday, February 15, 2010 


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رانية باكدهBa-Akdah, Raniah ResearcherMaster 


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