Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Effect of height on the quality and quantity of plants in the Acacia Filaffuoadat along the Jeddah area, with special consideration to the environment of the plant.
تأثير الارتفاع على نوعية وكمية الفلافوتويدات في نباتات الأكاسيا على طول طريق جدة الباحة، مع نظرة خاصة لبيئة النبات.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Originated in the city of Ela - currently - the phenomenon of new promotional were not known by local residents call name (Council alum) believed that this phenomenon resulted mainly from a number of variables occurred in the community Ela. Some of these economic variables related to climate and quality of sources of income and the other linked to the results of social and cultural friction that accompanied the economic changes. This was followed by approval and adoption of other means of promotion in those communities. Vhaddtt result, improved roads and other means of communication in the shortcut the time required to change. Vhaddtt boom in the adoption and promotion methods coming from outside the region Ela. Equally matched by a boom and other counterproductive to abandon all means of promoting local traditional old. Among the means of promotion and entertainment, are recommended and adopted in the Ela at the present time is the Council of "likeness" of this area of ​​research. And the Council has the alum in fact the roots of local environmental, professional, social and historical helped to present its inception. At the present time takes Ula dozens of such boards and at night frequented by a lot of young people, particularly staff and students for the purpose of leisure and entertainment. The main objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of this phenomenon in the city of new promotional Ela. This is achieved by searching for reasons for its creation and analysis of the spatial spread of locations on the map of the city of Ela. Also identify the promotional practices that are inside. And review of the social and economic conditions for its members and the times of its work and aims of this study is also to be guided by the positive results and propose recommendations to eliminate the drawbacks, if any. 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
إبراهيم سلمان المحفوظalmahfuz, ibrahim salmanInvestigatorDoctorate 


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