Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Manifestations and trends of social change and some of the variables associated in urban communities in Saudi Arabian society
مظاهر واتجاهات التغير الاجتماعي وبعض المتغيرات المرتبطة بها في المجتمعات الحضرية في المجتمع العربي السعودي
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive picture of the characteristics of the system discharges the water surface and its relationship to Bjeeomorvologih, Morvomtre, and geology of the western region of Saudi Arabia where the study area between latitudes 23 º and 25 º and longitudes 36 ° and 30 ° and 40 ° east and swallow the area of ​​the current study 10944.97 km 2 . Were identified and named 45 Basin Tsif were also measured properties of variables, each basin separately and used these data to conduct detailed studies to show the relationship between the drainage system the water surface, and all of the characteristics of geomorphological and Almorvomitrih, geological and rainfall on the surface of each basin of drainage basins, and the study showed Some of the results that can be used in the comparison with the changes of the properties of drainage ponds in the study area. Were calculated amounts of rain falling on every sink. The calendar of the basins where the efficiency in terms of rainfall amounts and characteristics of the Almorvomitrih and geomorphological and geological. In the light of the results of the current study, with the addition of data. Rainfall for each basin studied, we classified the valleys in terms of the quantities of water run-off taking place on surfaces, and thus determine the most appropriate areas for the construction of dams, leading to increased agricultural area. Also recommends that this research signed mine sites and the revolution of mineral available maps geological map of drainage basins area study prepared in this report, with the chemical analysis of the elements of low sediment valleys that are shifted downstream will open the way for new discoveries in the field of mineral wealth and pillars of mineral sediments valleys. The current study found that the meteorological stations in the current study is very small, therefore there is an urgent need to establish a new meteorological stations. Finally, the researcher recommended the work of a comparative study of the properties Almorvomitrih and geomorphological and geological basin drainage in every region of the Arabian Shield (current study) and the Arab region or the shelf is sediment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
Publishing Year : 1417 AH
1997 AD
Sponsor Name : 1997 
Sponsorship Year : 1407 AH
1997 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالحفيظ محمد سقاsagga, abdulhafiez mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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