Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Elimination of the Hijaz: A Study of the judges of the city, Mecca and Taif in the Umayyad period (41-132 AH / 661-750 AD)
قضاء الحجاز: دراسة لقضاة المدينة ومكة والطائف في العصر الأموي (41-132هـ/661-750م)
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Search the current study raised the idea of ​​establishing an information center Saudi journalist at the national level involved in the development, management and utilization of its services group press and media institutions Arabia. The research team at this stage of development, testing and distribution of three questionnaires related to the first general manager and chief editor of the second and the third director of the Center of information in all major Saudi news organizations that are producing daily newspapers. The responses were collected to represent these groups in the work of three important centers of information, press operators, management and use. Has provided the overall results of the output of questionnaires that were collected important indicators confirm the existence of acceptance of an important and powerful the idea of ​​information center press the Saudi national from the Gaza administration in news organizations and by the officials, information centers, Current Press, but on the other side split editors participating in the study between dismissive of the idea and pro-them, raising the real questions about the potential success of such an idea, if implemented due to poor editing consensus around it. 
Publishing Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1425 AH
2005 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
حسن عواد السريحيalsereihy, hassan awadInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30253.docx docx 

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