Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Field study laboratory for modeling the movement of nitrates as a component of sewage through the soil is contaminated sector
دراسة حقلية معملية لنمذجة حركة النترات كأحد مكونات مياه الصرف الصحي خلال قطاع تربة غير ملوثة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Has been studied the movement of ion nitrate in the direction vertical to the soil in the laboratory as well as modeling using numerical methods, soil study was collected from the Agricultural Research Station of the Faculty of Meteorology area this Sham (north-east of Jeddah) have been found physical characteristics of the relationship, including the curve of tensile moisture, using Tools suit pressure in the lab. Put the soil in an ivory column 1.5 m long transparent laboratory while maintaining the density field, were installed four pressure sensors on the different depths of the column and delivered to your computer for data collection and monitoring of soil water pressure changed during the experiments. Preparation was contaminated (nitrate) concentrations of different salt of potassium nitrate in the lab and we used the ion-separation device for measuring the concentration of nitrate in the solution. To find the properties of the movement of contaminated created curves cornering tests have been done the movement of water and contaminated in the case of saturation and non saturation of the soil and under different circumstances of the cases primary and cases, the border has also been modeling the movement of water and contaminated with program computer for this purpose, the first program called the RETC and estimates the elements of flow of moisture tension curve equation and the second CHEMFLO The modeling of the movement of the contaminant in one direction. Application programs found great similarity between the results of laboratory experiment and modeling results of the interview. One of the results we can say that the nitrate ion is considered contaminated governor did not occur to him or absorption interaction or impede the movement where we get a coefficient of dispersion of the nitrate of $ 2.3 (cm 2 / h). As knowledge of the period up to ion nitrates into the groundwater (21 m) in the case of the constant flow of pollutant under the conditions of saturated flow is a six days on the assumption that the soil is homogeneous and without taking into account evaporation. 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
خالد سعيد بالخيرbalkheir, khaled saeidInvestigatorDoctorate 


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