Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Estimates and predictions of the model Jompel on the basis of sequential samples of control and loss of function is similar.
قديرات وتنبؤات لنموذج جومبل على أساس عينات ذات مراقبة متتابعة ودوال خسارة غير متماثلة.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Life testing experiments are designed in order to obtain the necessary information about the product under test in order to develop and improve its efficiency. It is well known that the experiences of life tests is difficult to get all the information required in full, is it possible to obtain statistical inferences using the full information. Called this information incomplete in Statistics "Samples of control" a most important of these samples control the so-called newly samples of control sequence, the main objective of this project is to use samples of control sequence (Progressive Censoring Samples) to obtain estimates and forecasts for the distribution of Gamble and the using the Bayesian approach (Bayesian Approach) and the classical approach (Clasical Approach). • been in this project to find and study the capabilities and capacities of the largest possible Bees to my teacher distribution as well as estimates of the power function (reliability) function and failure rate (hazard function). • the capabilities of Bees been found and studied based on more than one type of loss functions are asymmetric loss function (a function of square error) and some asymmetric loss functions (such as a linear function of exponential LINEX loss function and generalized Alanterbaa General Entropy) • the capabilities of the various Bayesian been compared with each other to determine the extent of the impact on the choice of function loss and the resulting capabilities have also been compared with the destiny of the classical methods that already exist in previous studies using the simulation (Simulation). • using the Bayesian approach also calculated the limits of Bayesian prediction intervals for future values ​​of a sample from the distribution Gamble based on samples of previous control sequence from the same distribution. • Finally, some numerical examples by using some samples from the reality of actual experience has been discussed to illustrate the practical importance of what our findings as well as complete a study on simulation in order to compare results. 
Publishing Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
فهد محمد العبودalobud, fahad mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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