Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Analysis applied to specific elements.
التحليل التطبيقي بالعناصر المحددة.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In this report offer a scientific review on this issue and give a geometric shape that we offer in addition to Maxwell's equations in frequency space and in the static-like Balkahrbaúah (neglecting the displacement current) and these equations by separating the issue chosen. Then solve the field equations using the method of function assigned (using the opposite theory Almekdaria) for the three areas above the slide and slide down inside of them. Then apply the boundary conditions and we'll impose the thickness of the slide can be considered constant. This will lead to the equivalent integral in frequency space. This equation is integrated in the form of convolution can be applied to take the theory gyrus Fourier transform for the variable × zoom and using the abbreviated equation complementary to the algebraic. This algebraic equation is solved to find a mainstream force in the slide. After that compensates the electric field resulting in the equation of the magnetic field in the region above the slide. Reversed and then taken to the Fourier transform, one for × and the other for the time to get to respond in transit. I have been developing a program language Fortran 77 by Dr. Ahmed Iskandarani to draw the impulse response of the thin slice axis against time to Ogatmy. List the program listed in Appendix B. Also explain the results of the computer with the interpretation of geophysical Vsivkr in the last report. This finished all the work and the theoretical calculations related to this project and to achieve fully the goals of each project in the given time duration. 
Publishing Year : 1406 AH
1986 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1406 AH
1986 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
فيصل فؤاد وفاwafa, faisal fouadInvestigatorDoctorate 


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