Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study the precise climate of the Wadi Mina and its impact on thermal comfort of the pilgrims and then evaluate the use of sprinklers to reduce heat stress.
دراسة المناخ الدقيق لوادي منى وتأثيره على الراحة الحرارية للحجيج ثم تقييم استخدام الرشاشات لتخفيف الجهد الحراري.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The proposed study aims to describe the precise climate of the Wadi Mina region of the holy sites and the use of meteorological data in a numerical simulation model to estimate the thermal comfort of the pilgrims in various circumstances. Data were collected meteorological elements (temperature, humidity, wind, and solar radiation) of the specific locations selected are distributed to cover all the environmental conditions prevailing in the valley so that the exact evaluation of climate change (microclimate) caused by the presence of pilgrims in the region during the pilgrimage season. Began to enter data that is collected through the 1416 H pilgrimage season for computer and then reviewed in this report and Alrtobah thermal maps of the area in the days of Hajj (perfusion and standing on Arafat and the first and second days of al). Possible way of identifying centers of high temperatures and humidity that have an impact on the convenience of pilgrims. It was also an initial study of the air layer and the marginal thermal stability by studying the change of vertical temperature, humidity and wind at different times. Account transactions are not limited to this minute class in this report where the researchers did not give enough time, and God willing we will be able to identify the basic features of this class in the next experiment in the 1417 H pilgrimage season. 
Publishing Year : 1416 AH
1996 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1416 AH
1996 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد عبدالله بن عفيفbenafeif, mohammed abdullahInvestigatorDoctorate 


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