Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Design and preparation of some derivatives of cyclic amides and cyclic reduce the level of fat in the blood
تصميم و تحضير بعض مشتقات ايميدات حلقية ولا حلقية لتقليل مستوى الدهون في الدم
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : It is well known scientifically that an increase in fat lead to several problems including, for example but not limited to heart problems and blood circulation in general, and recent research has tended in the field of medicinal chemistry to design drugs to be its core mission to reduce the proportion of fat in the blood. One of these compounds and compound clofibrate, which is one of the first drug treatment for high fat in the blood of a group Alviberat, which was used as a guide to develop new vehicles, including vehicles and Alfetalmid Aldaavien amide, which has made it clear that highly effective as anti-fat. Thus, this research aims to: 1. Design and preparation of derivatives such as Fetalmidat Aloimidat similar, and Dai Nafetalmidat Benzmedat addition to Aldaavien amide derivatives. 2. Molecule increased the lipophilic compounds prepared in order to increase efficiency This has been proven structural compositions of the new compounds prepared using careful quantitative analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance. This has been proven suitable designs proposed for the derivatives of amides different and it matches the nuclei to the nucleus of a compound Alkuloviberat also been tested therapeutic effectiveness Kkhavdh to fat blood of some of the vehicles final on mice which were subjected to raise the proportion of fat, blood has, using a composite Turaaton 1339WR-, was also compared to the results of experiments to influence the pharmacology of the drug Alvenoviberat a second-generation group and Alviberat who excelled in the effectiveness of the drug Alkuloviberat. This has proved the effectiveness of some compounds prepared in this project is to reduce blood fat, indicating the specificity of the quality and selection of these compounds. 
Publishing Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1426 AH
2006 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
فايدة حسن با مانعbamanea, faydah hassanInvestigatorDoctorate 


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