Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Study the effect of "cyclosporine - A" on the structure and function of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas in the rat and in the farm
دراسة تأثير "السيكلوسبورين - أ" على تركيب ووظيفة جزر لانجرهانز في الفأر في البنكرياس وفي المزرعة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Achml research objectives of this research study the effect of cyclosporine drug on the pancreas inside the body and injecting the mice at a dose of 10 mg / kg (therapeutic dose), or 50 mg / kg (toxic dose) or solvent (sample control) 3.2.1 for a period of weeks. It also includes study of the impact of the property on the islands of the pancreas and outside Algesn that separate the islands and in the breeding farm with adding 1 microgram / ml (toxic Graah) ciclosporin or solvent (sample control) for a period of 04/01/10 days. The study on the pancreas inside the body changes in body weight, how much food and drinking water, how much urine, insulin and the CIA - peptide in the blood and glucose tolerance test, after injection of therapeutic or toxic dose. Showed slides paraffin dyed textile dye chemical immune Oncolinogod slight decrease in the interaction of cells slightly - as shown by size of the islands after injection Alsichaelosberan It was noted that the results more victims after the injection of toxic dose of the drug. The Forever examination Palmjhralaketrona Aalmjhr test results showed a decrease in photosynthesis Kperfi Qatar secretory granules after the injection of toxic dose. The study on the islands of the pancreas out of the body have shown that cultivated for 1, 4 and 10 days with the addition of micrograms / ml Salossbeoren suffer from a lack of content of insulin and the CIA - peptide showed microscopic examination opposite phase to the islands in the whole natural form and with the edge of the limited and regular. However, some islands have the edge of the selection is weak or non-organization. The Marine Biology electron microscope showed the presence of cells - with virtually no grain glands with signs of fragmentation of cells after one day of transplantation. It was noted that Tfnat cells had increased at 4 or 10 days of transplantation. This was more severe reactions in the islands planted with add 5 micrograms / ml cyclosporine, as these islands showed a significant decrease in insulin content and the CIA - peptide. These islands showed a significant decrease in insulin content and tuberculosis - peptide. Microscopic examination showed the presence of opposite-phase edge of the selection is weak and irregular islands and on the farm for one day. The islands, cultivated for a period of 10.4 days was very attached to the opacity and in groups. And electron microscope examination showed clearly the lack of number and size of secretory granules. The more fragmented cells cultivated in the islands for four days, most of the cells - to fragmented at 10 days of transplantation. 
Publishing Year : 1418 AH
1998 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1418 AH
1998 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد علي عجبajab, mohammed aliInvestigatorDoctorate 


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