Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Equation Inhibitory effect of salinity on growth and some physiological activities in some leguminous plants, using some amino acids.
معادلة التأثير المثبط للملوحة على النمو وبعض الأنشطة الفسيولوجية في بعض النباتات البقلية وذلك باستخدام بعض الأحماض الأمينية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Discussion dealt with the study the impact of different levels of salinity on the growth of a plant leguminous (such as beans or peas) and some physiological activities animate the relationship, and used some of the amino acids (such as Alrawlin and phenylalanine) in an attempt to study how the equation of Inhibitory effect of concentrations of high salinity on plant question. Research found a significant decrease markedly in most physiological activities as a result of excess salinity. 
Publishing Year : 1408 AH
1988 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1408 AH
1988 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
مدحت درويش هيكلhaikal, medhat darweishInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30853.docx docx 

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