منشورات توعية استخدام البريد الجامعي

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(Keep on updating your address book in order to contact colleagues and clients easily).

If you have a lot of important email addresses, and you’re worried you might lose them for any possible reason, you can save them on your computer, also you can put them in groups according to their type, so you can always find them easily.

To add a new contact:

  • Go to the email page then click on the arrow next to (mail) then choose (contacts).

  • To add a new group, choose (new group):

  • Write group’s name and click (ok):

  • Then the group (management) will be added in contacts:

  • To add a new contact to a group, click on (new contact):

  • Then fill in the new contact information then click (save).

To save your address book on your computer follow the following steps:

  • Click on (more), then (export).

  • Click on (all contacts), choose (Outlook CSV), and click on (export). Then, it will be saved as an Excel file.

Last Update
7/30/2018 10:13:41 AM