Email Features and Tips Brochures
Email Features and Tips Brochures
(Forward Feature)
Use the Forward feature instead of Reply when you want to send a message content
to another contact or another group other than the sender or the addressee.
There are several methods to respond to university emails:
Methods of replying on university emails: forward - reply - reply to all.
Forward :
Use the forward feature instead of replying when you want to send a content of a message to
another contact or another group other than the sender or the addressee.
Reply :
Use the reply feature when you want to reply to the same person you received the message from. Click here .
Reply to all:
Use the reply feature when you want to reply to the same person you received the message from and the people added in the CC (carbon copy) contact list. Click here.
Last Update
7/31/2018 1:30:42 PM