Email Features and Tips Brochures

Email Features and Tips Brochures  logo

(Don’t include any confidential personal content when replying to email messages. )

Guidelines to follow while sending messages through your Email:

  • Never include any personal passwords of your email or any other personal online accounts in your email messages.
  • Never include your personal accounts usernames and passwords in your emails, and if they were already sent, be sure to delete them immediately.
  • Don’t include your bank accounts information in your emails, and never reply to any received emails asking you for such information.
  • Don’t include credit or prepaid cards accounts information in your sent emails .
  • When dealing with e-commerce websites or online payment gateways, make sure that the website you’re using is secure and reliable. Also use an email specially created for that purpose and not your personal email nor its password.
  • Avoid sending your own or your family members’ photos in your emails.
  • Double check the receiver’s email address before sending copies of your governmental documents or any confidential personal or work-related document.

Last Update
7/8/2018 10:18:28 AM