Cooperative Training

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The concept of cooperative training:

               A cooperative training program can be defined as , "a program aimed at achieving the highest degree of harmony between what the student study and what is required and used in the actual work sites through the cooperation of the educational institution with the business to train students to practice tasks during periods of specialized study in the work environment according to the actual specific controls. "

Cooperative training (an alternative to the research 499):

The idea of linking the program on the basis of the academic program for students with the requirements of practical life, in order to graduate a group of students familiar with the process of life in all its requirements and challenges and to give the student the opportunity to gain practical skills in the area of specialization and in return, to give companies the opportunity to identify the students expected to graduate from close range.

This program is part of the graduation requirements of students and calculated the amount of his three-hour seminar in exchange for his twelve-week (average of 48 hours per week), and have training in the last quarter of the graduation.

 The success of this program is to get students to true training  during the actual operation of the student in the departments and various sections of the enterprise, as well as the success of the program when a company got a serious work of the student through the identification of potential that may pave the way for employment after graduation, and student assessment will be dependent on the three axes to view the evaluation forms and letters of request for participation.


Three pillars of the program:

The first pillar: A report about the student from the company.

The second pillar: A report of the student contains the following points:

·         The definition of point and the training site.

·         A detailed description of the work, which trains the student.

·         comparison between what the student will study in college and the work performed during the training period.

The third pillar: Evaluation of the supervisor to the student through the following:

·         A field visit to the site to get acquainted with the conditions of the student in coordination with the company.

·         Assess the report submitted by the student.

·         Discuss student with the practical aspects and skills acquired.


The objectives of the cooperative training program:

  The application of cooperative programs  achieve many goals, both in the cognitive or behavioural or vocational trainees, however, the most important of these objectives can be summarized as follows:


·         Provide an opportunity for students to live the real working environment, which is expected to work after graduation

·         The exercise of the student to work within the field of applied real work necessary to complete the preparation and professional preparation and professional behaviour

·         Provide an opportunity for students in the selection of suitable premises according to his wishes

·         The link between the outputs of the area of education with the educational requirements of the labor market during the period of training which would help to strengthen the presence of career opportunities for graduates.


Benefits of the program:

This program will achieve the following objectives: 

·         link the college community and to demonstrate interaction with the overall needs of society and that it had extended a hand to them and gave companies the opportunity to experience college graduates, and their access to the real world, which helps in breaking the barrier of fear, doubt and hesitation by the employer. 

·         Give students practical skills and capabilities which hopefully will be useful when entering the working life. 

·         Give students self-confidence and give them the opportunity to know the personalities of the managers for companies represent important sectors of society.



Last Update
10/30/2010 8:35:00 PM