Personal Information


Department of Department of Information Technology

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh

Contact Information

Phone: 03131


Altyeb Altaher Altyeb Taha



Prof.Dr. Altyeb Altaher  obtained his  PhD in computer science from university of Khartoum in 2007. As a postdoctoral research fellow at the University Science Malaysia (2010 -2012), Prof.Dr.Altyeb gained valuable experience in supervising undergraduate and postgraduate research projects. In addition to teaching, he published more than 20 research papers in journals and international conferences. Currently Prof.Dr.Altyeb working as associate professor at the faculty of computing   and information technology  in Rabigh, King Abdulaziz University. His research interest include Information security and data mining.



  • 2007-2010

    Assistant Prof, University of Science and Technology, الخرطوم, الســــودان

  • 2010-2012

    Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University Sains Malaysia, بينانق, مـــالـيزيا

  • 2013-2014

    Associate Prof, University of Science and Technology, الخرطوم, الســــودان

  • 2014-2018

    Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University, رابغ, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2018-حاليا

    Professor, King Abdulaziz University, رابغ, المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

  • Information Security
  • Data mining 
  • Malware Detection
  • Network Security

Scientific interests

Information security
Security of Android Applications

Development of android applications


Areas of expertise

Teaching Computer Network
Development of Android Applications