Personal Information

 Assistant Professor

Department of Department of Information Systems

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh

Contact Information

Phone: 0509608651


Lal Bihari Barik

 Assistant Professor


Lalbihari Barik, (Ph.D. Computer Science) has over 20 years of industrial & educational experience in the field of Java, network technologies, AI, IoT, ITS, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Self-Efficacy, and Stock Market analysis. He has worked on various web-driven projects where exaMAIZE is one of his educational brand products. He honored the “IBM Drona Award 2008”, and “Developer Super Star 2011” in the national level software development program organized by IBM. He serves as a resource person for many workshops in open-source software, process mining, etc. He received research granted projects and published and presented several research papers in National and International Journals and books.



  • 2001-2011

    Associate Professor , Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management & Computer Application, Surat, الهــــــند

Research Interests

My primary area of interest and expertise are Artificial Intelligence and Goal-Driven Service Oriented Architecture (GD-SOA). For my doctoral thesis, I have worked in AI, whereby I developed an adaptive intelligent Web-Based educational system in a multi-agent environment. Others include Big Data, IoT, Self-Efficacy, Stock Mark.

Scientific interests

My primary area of interest and expertise are Artificial Intelligence and Goal-Driven Service Oriented Architecture (GD-SOA). For my doctoral thesis, I have worked in AI, whereby I developed an adaptive intelligent Web-Based educational system in a multi-agent environment. Others include Big Data, IoT, Self-Efficacy, Stock Mark.


Areas of expertise

Java, Python, Network Technologies, AI, IoT, ITS.