Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Pharmaceuticals

Faculty of Pharmacy

Contact Information

Phone: 0126400000 Ext. 22250


Tarek Abdelnapy Ahmed

 Associate Professor


Dr. Tarek completed his undergraduate studies from Faculty of pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. He then joined the department of pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy in 2003 as demonstrator and completed his master within four years. After completing his master degree, Dr. Tarek felt that he requires both more in-depth study and to get in touch with an international school of pharmacy to be able to practice the pharmaceutical science proficiently; therefore he decided to complete the requirements for one of the Egyptian government scholars (channel system) where he passed the TOFEL test, prepared his paper and documents and travelled to USA in 2008 where he joined Texas A&M health science center (TX, USA) as a PhD visiting scholar. During that period Dr. Tarek got an excellent knowledge in the development of novel drug delivery (in situ gel and in situ microparticles), HPLC analysis for both in vitro and in vivo study. After completing his study, he came back from USA in 2010 where he did make his defense within two months and joined the department of pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy as lecturer in March 2010.

Over his years of experience, Dr. Tarek gained an excellent teaching skill of both practical and academic theoretical pharmaceutical courses through his dealing with all of the pharmaceutical practical courses for undergraduate students (2003-2007), and later after he earned his Ph.D degree, he have academic teaching responsibilities that include; Pharmaceutics I and Pharmaceutics III for the 2nd and 4th year students respectively at Al-Azhar university (2010-2011), Liquid dosage forms and industrial pharmacy at the Egyptian Russian University (2010-2011). Physical Pharmacy, Solid dosage forms, pharmacokinetics, Biopharmaceutics, Sterile dosage forms, semisolid dosage forms and nanotechnology during his work at King Abdulaziz University.          

Beside the teaching skill, Dr. Tarek has a lot of international publications in the pharmaceutical scientific research journals such as: International journal of pharmaceutics, journal of microencapsulation, AAPS PharmSciTech, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, International journal of drug delivery and others.  


  • 2007

    Master degree from الصيدلانياتالصيدلة, الازهر, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 2010

    Doctorate degree from PharmaceuticsPharmacy, Al-Azhar, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 2010

    Doctorate degree from الصيدلانياتالصيدلة, جامعة الازهر, القاهرة, مصــــــــر


  • 2003-2007

    معيد, - معيد بقسم الصيدلانيات و الصيدله الصناعيه بكلية الصيدله جامعة الأزهر – القاهرة , القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 2007-2010

    محاضر, مدرس مساعد بقسم الصيدلانيات و الصيدله الصناعيه بكلية الصيدله جامعة الأزهر , القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 2010-2011

    استاذ مساعد, مدرس بقسم الصيدلانيات و الصيدله الصناعيه بكلية الصيدله جامعة الأزهر , القاهرة, مصــــــــر

Research Interests

Nanoparticles (including Nanospheres, Nanocapsules and Solid lipid Nanoparticles) are the future area of interest.

A novel controlling release technique (In situ gel and ISM systems) for the delivery of drugs (Haloperidol and Montelukast) was the area of interest for the PhD, a one month formulations for both drugs have been prepared, the in vitro, in vivo and stability testing of the prepared formulae have been studied.

The topical formulation and the solid dispersion technique were the areas of interest, which I was focused in my master in which the aqueous solubility and dissolution of a poorly Soluble drug "Mefenamic acid" was enhanced, then formulating the drug in different Topical formulations including creams and gels, Studying the rheological properties Of the formulations and then study the stability of these formulations.

Scientific interests

In situ gel
In situ microparticles
Drug Delivery System
Controlled release dosage forms


صيدلانيات 2 PH312
Physical Pharmacy for Master students PH801

Areas of expertise

Teaching Experience Physical Pharmacy, Solid, Semi-solid, Liquid and Sterile dosage forms Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
Research Experiences In situ gel and in situ microparticles. Nanotechnology, Controlled release dosage forms, Drug delivery system
Experimental design and Formulation Experimental design and Formulation