Personal Information

 Assistant Professor

Department of  Meteorology

Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 6400000 Ext. 64751


Dr. Adel Mahmoud Abdel moneim Abdel Haleim Awad

 Assistant Professor


Dr. Adel Awad is currently assistant professor in the Department of Meteorology, Faculty of meteorology, environment and arid land agriculture, King abdel-azziz university, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Adel Awad is researcher on Numeric Weather Prediction in Egyptian Meteorological Authority.

Dr. Awad obtained his B.Sc. in Math. at 1988 at Monifia University, Master Degree at 1999 and PhD degree at 2004 on Numerical Weather Prediction and Modeling from Cairo university.


  • 1999

    Master degree from Meteorological Dep.Faclty of science, Cairo Unversity, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 2004

    Doctorate degree from MeteorologyFaclty of science, Cairo Unviresity, القاهرة, مصــــــــر


Research Interests

Research interest of Dr. Adel Awad distributed between two branches, research on convection parameterization and sand storm parameterization and their effect on synoptic features on the limited area models. For the sparse of experiment data for these two branches, Dr. Awad design numerical experiments in use of reanalyzed data from Global Center to study the representation and the effect of convection and sand storm on limited area models results.

Scientific interests


Areas of expertise