Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Clinical Nutrition

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 026400000 Ext. 24212


Dr. Elham Abbas Aljaaly

 Associate Professor




Elham Aljaaly is an Associate Professor at the Clinical Nutrition Department (CLN in King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia and a Consultant in Clinical Nutrition (SCFHS). She was the Head of the CLN Programme until August 2016 & one of the establishers of the programme (2004). Dr. Aljaaly is currently the Vice-dean for Female Section at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, KAU. Elham was the Chairperson of the Commission for national and international Academic Accreditation for the Clinical Nutrition Programme (NCAAA) & (AHPGS). She do mentoring work for faculty staff who are newly joined faculty members at KAU under the higher diploma for Teaching & Learning Development.  

Dr. Aljaaly is a member in many organization including “American Society for Nutrition (ASN)”, “World Obesity Federation”, and “The Canadian Obesity Network”.  She is also a member of the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) and been nominated as a track chair in different conferences related to WASD including tracks for the medical sciences and public health, food nutrition and public health & public policy and higher education. 

Elham was also a Consultant Editor in the International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health (IJFNPH), currently an editorial member in the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE). She is a reviewer for the Journalism of mass communication. She has reviewed articles for the World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development (WJSTSD); reviewed articles for the Bulletin of the World Health Organization; reviewed abstracts for annual meetings and conferences related to king Abdulaziz University and the Saudi Higher Education. She also reviewed and took a decision for a number of proposals for grants and reports been submitted to King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). Dr. Aljaaly is the first graduate Saudi Dietitian from the King Saud Clinical Nutrition Programme in Riyadh, SA. Holding a M.Sc. in Human Nutrition from University of Sheffield, UK and PhD in Community Nutrition, Media Nutrition and International Health & Development from University College London (UCL), UK. Elham also done Post-Doctoral Fellowships Programs: In Clinical Nutrition at GOSH (observation with eating disorder team) and in Nutrition & Public Health (University of Westminster, UOW). Therefore, Dr. Aljaaly research interests focus on research that relate to Nutrition & Dietetics field, Public Health, Media and International Health & Development and Polices & Higher Education. She has carried out, reviewed, supervised students’ projects and published various research, proposal and manuscripts in these fields. Her research work has been cited by a number of authors in the field and is some reviews. Elham is registered as “Clinical Dietitian” at the Saudi Council for Health Specialist (SCFHS) and as a member in different Committees related to the SCFHS. She is been an invited speaker at many national, regional and international conferences since 1986 to present. Elham has won two awards for the “Post-Doctoral Summer Research Collaboration Fellowship (PDSR) with the UK universities (in 2013 & 2016) that is arranged by BAE systems and the British Council. She had granted funds for different research projects by the Deanship for Scientific Research at KAU. She was also nominated as the main researcher of the international programme the "Smart Heart Challenge (SHC), lowering your Cholesterol by Oats", conducted at King Abdulaziz University Hospital Jeddah, SA in 2004. Recently, she was selected to be part of the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia as one of the “Top National Talent Network, which is an exclusive registry of leading professionals in Saudi Arabia”.

She was also nominated by voting as the Vice President of the 28th period of the General Assembly for election to the Saudi clubs (2012) while doing her PhD in the UK. She awarded the price for Saudi students’ accomplishments in UK for the academic year 20110-2011 by the Saudi Cultural Bureau (UKSACB). 


The Office of the Vice Dean for Female Section/the Clinical Nutrition Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia PO Box: 54539 Jeddah 21524. Office No. +966 (12) 6401000/Ext: 23132 & Fax. No. +966 (12) 6401000/Ext: 25851. Mobile +966 (0) 505692467

E-mails:,, &




A Curriculum Vita – Dr. Elham Al Jaaly

1.0 Personal




Elham Aljaaly





Marital Status:

Married and has children



The Office of the Vice Dean for Female Section, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia PO Box: 54539 Jeddah 21524

Office No. +966 (12) 6401000/Ext: 23132/24251 & Mobile no.+966 (0) 505692467

E-mails:,, &




2.0 Key Qualifications & Education

Dates Attended

Name of Institution

Qualification Gained



Department of Human and Health Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom

Post-Doctoral Summer Research (PDSR) to develop Jeddah Obesity Prevention (JOP) research proposal for nutrition intervention in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,


Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom

Post-Doctoral (Clinical placement/observation) on management of eating disorders

2008 to 2012

UCL Centre for International Health & Development (CIHD), Institute of Child Health (ICH), University College London, London. United Kingdom

MPhil degree in International Health & Development (Community Nutrition: Children & Adolescent Nutrition, Media & food Advertising, & School Health)

2007 to 2008

UCL Centre for International Health & Development (CIHD), Institute of Child Health (ICH), University College London, London. United Kingdom

PhD degree in International Health & Development (Community Nutrition: Children & Adolescent Nutrition, Media & food Advertising, & School Health)


University of Sheffield, Human Nutrition Programme, Faculty of Medicine, United Kingdom

Master Degree (MMedSci) in Human Nutrition

1985-1986 (1405-1406)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh -King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Hospital Dietetic Internship Programme

1985 (1405)

King Saud University, Applied Medical College Riyadh-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Bachelor degree in Clinical Nutrition

1980 (1400)

The First High School Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

High School Diploma

1978 (1397)

The First Secondary School Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Secondary School Diploma/Jeddah. SA

1975 (1394)

Primary Education

Dar AlTarbia AlHaditha/Jeddah. SA


3.0 Professional Registration/Membership

Date of Membership

Name of Professional Body

Grade of Membership



A Consultant in Clinical Nutrition Accredit by the Saudi Council for Health Specialists (SCFHS).


A Consultant in Clinical Nutrition


KAU’s Homes of Expertise. The KAU’s House of Experience: “The Professionalism for Clinical Nutrition”.


The Owner for the KAU’s House of Experience: Professionalism for Clinical Nutrition.


The American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

A regular member of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN)


World Obesity Federation

A member of the World Obesity Federation

28 June 2014-Present

The Canadian Obesity Network

A member of the Canadian Obesity Network

01 June 2015-Present

The International Sudanese Diaspora-Based in the UK.

A member of the Sudanese Diaspora

2012- 2014

The American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

A member of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

2011 - Present

The World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)

A member of WASD

2004- 2006

The Saudi Council for Health Specialists (SCFHS)

A member of the Committee for the ‘Clinical Nutrition’

2004- 2006

The Saudi Council for Health Specialists (SCFHS)

A member of the Committee for ‘Private Heath Institutes’

1986- 1990

The Saudi Dietetic Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

A member of the Saudi Dietetic Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


A member of the Diabetic Committee, King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital

King Abdulaziz University Hospital

March 2015-Present

A member of the establishing team of the Consumer Cooperative Association in Mecca Region

Consumer Cooperative Association in Mecca Region


The Saudi Council for Health Specialist (SCFHS)

Registered Dietitian


4.0 Employment History (Started 1406-1986) 


Experience within the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at KAU

Been designated by the KAU’s president as the vice dean for FAMS’s Female Section, participated in establishing the clinical nutrition programme, headed the department for 2 periods and contributed in the teaching & learning process. I have been teaching and training students in the practice and research in the field of nutrition & dietetics areas. I have also been a personal academic advisor for some CLN students. I coordinated and taught different courses. Supervised some students ‘projects. Conducted some community services. I am a member of different faculty and departmental Teaching and Learning committees. Moreover, and based on my experience in the field and as a registered consultant in clinical nutrition, I succeed to make a contract with the KAU to establish my house of Experiences “The Professionalism for Clinical Nutrition under the KAU’s Homes of Expertise.

4.1 The Vice Dean for Female Section at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences. King Abdulaziz University) [Currently]

Responsible for the effective and efficient operation for four departments at the female section named Clinical Nutrition, Physiotherapy and Diagnostic Radiology & Medical Technology. A member of different committees related to the position such as: The Consultant Committee for Deans, The Consultant Committee for Female Section, The Consultant Committee for Health Colleges’ Deans, The FAMS Advisory Committee, …..Etc.

4.2 The Head of the Clinical Nutrition Department at Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, KAU (May 2014- to August 2016)

Responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the Clinical Nutrition Programme and for continuous improvement of its activities. This included holding the responsibility and accountability for the administration of the academic department and for leading its academic, research activities and community services. Additionally, was the Chairperson for the National and International academic accreditation. These responsibilities encompasses both the intra-and inter-departmental functions. The Chair of the Departmental Council Committee and a member in some departmental and faculty administrative and teaching and learning committees. Moreover, responsible for directing the dietetic fieldwork training and internship component of the combined Internship/BSc’s degree Programme located in the KAU. Moreover, she was the head for the Advisory Committee for the programme. She also guided the department in securing a successful international accreditation that was awarded by the Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Science (AHPGS). She also was the head of the Curriculum Committee, where she guided the updates and finalizing of the third Study Plan for the CLN programme (in the academic year 2015-2016), Other committees included the scientific, alumni & advertising and departmental website committees.

She had done two Self-Studies that aimed to review and promote the programme: 1. Benchmarking the programme with the European Countries. 2. The work that assessed the programme research status. The two works were presented internationally in two separate conferences (In London, UK in 2016), which facilitated the introducing & advertising of the programme other health professional. The benchmarking work was published in WASD Conference proceeding & available at: & it was also published in a peer reviewed journal & available at: The work related to the CLN research status was also presented & published in WASD Conference proceeding, Available at: file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/7.Diaspora_Elham_2016%20(1).pdf


4.3 Assistant Professor (Sep 2012- to present)

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences College, King Abdul-Aziz University

Teaching in the Clinical Nutrition and related subject areas, Personal Development Portfolio Coordinator and Instructor for different Courses, particularly those related to theory, practice and professionalism in clinical nutrition. Supervising Graduate Research Projects for groups of students and conduct the clinical training (fieldwork) for senior students in the university hospital. A member in Departmental-related Teaching and Learning Committees. Conduct community work with other colleagues and students.

4.4 Lecturer in ‘Clinical Nutrition Programme, Medical Applied College, King Abdulaziz University’ (2005-2006)

Participated in establishing the Clinical Nutrition Programme, in teaching courses including Principles of Food Science & Nutrition, Nutrition during Life Cycle, Nutritional Status Assessment, Medical Nutrition Therapy, Nutritional Status Assessment and Medical Nutrition Therapy.



Modules covered and taught

  • Principles of Food Science & Nutrition (CLN 210)
  • Nutrition during Life Cycle (CLN 210)
  • Nutritional Status Assessment (CLN 240)
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy (2 levels) (CLN 341 & 342)
  • Nutrient Estimation (CLN 315)
  • Nutrition & Economy (CLN 331)
  • Professional Skills in Dietetics (CLN 421)
  • Advanced Topics in Food Science & Nutrition (CLN 424)
  • Clinical Rotation in Medical Nutrition Therapy (2 levels) (CLN 445 & 447)
  • Student Research Projects (CLN 499)
  • Nutritional Epidemiology(CLN 434)
  • Metabolic & Genetic Nutritional Disorders(CLN 446)
  • Research Methods for Health Sciences (CLN 422)
  • Nutrition & Economy (CLN 332)

Uses some teaching methods such as blended learning systems, using videos and audio lecture and other support for all taught modules. A client-based learning method. Teaches students to use electronic search including searching electronic databases and the use of evidenced-based information in the whole teaching-learning process. Also teaches and supports students in conducting actual surveys and actual research such as assessing nutrition status for children and adolescent in schools and conduct analyses for TV channels to evaluate and analyse the content of food advertising broadcasted in TV channels and organise innovative study groups to improve student achievement.

In her teaching, some activities were conducted using different approaches. This include the following:

  • Research-Related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme including training senior students (students’ research project) in evaluating the nutritional status of adolescents and do a school-based prevention-intervention programs to tackle the problem of overweight status.
  • Practice-Related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme including training senior students in evaluating the nutrition information of the served food at university using an international nutrient profiling system to differentiate between healthy & unhealthy served food/drink items.
  • Research-Related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme including training senior students) students’ research project) in evaluating the “Healthiness of food premises and food/drink options served by food premises at the KAU’ Female Section using an international nutrient profiling system. The work was accepted & presented in the scientific annual meeting for KAU students.
  • The profession practice-related activity: Training senior students in practicing the profession in a consultancy work (academic year 2016-17): Under the supervision of the course instructor Dr. Elham Aljaaly. The aim of the assignment is to train students about planning and implementing a consultant work, which prepare them to practice consultancy job in their professions. Below are some examples by students after delivering the teaching and training part of “ a dietitians practice as a consultant”
  • Searching Evidenced-based Information -Related Activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme’s. Teaching and training students about the use of evidence-based information with collaboration with the female KAU’s medical library in the academic year 2015-2016 & 2016-2017. This experience of teaching was presented and shared with other academics at the international conference (CNW in Orlando, USA in 2016-2017). The paper was appreciated by most of the professions in the clinical nutrition week and the abstract was published in a peer reviewed high scored Journal.


Other work related to teaching includes:

  • Creative activity: Innovation:

Supervising a group of senior students in their Innovation “Juice Fortified with Gum Arabic and Vitamin D for Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) (Acacia)”.

The project is aiming to provide an alternative new model for management of chronic renal failure patients by using gum Arabic, and increase functional food manufacturing in Saudi Arabia. Phases for presenting the innovation included”

Phase.1: Registration in the Eighth Scientific Forum for King Abdulaziz University Students (in the academic year 2016-2017) within the track for innovations and they won and saved the first place among 18 innovations.

Phase.2: The innovation was nominated to be presented in the International Exhibition & Conference for Higher Education that held in Riyadh in the academic year 2015-2016. The participation was very strong and people were convinced with it.

Phase 3: The innovation will presented to Ministry of Health for trials and then to registered if positive results will be shown.

Other Teaching Experience/ Non- Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences (FAMS), KAU

Periodically, deliver courses and workshops related to the clinical practice in nutrition and dietetics for health professionals working at the Saudi Ministry of Health in different areas in Saudi Arabia. (E.g. courses in nutrition assessment and nutrition & dietetic services and practice for different diseases). Courses were conducted in different cities in the country of Saudi Arabia. Main Teaching Topics of Interest are: Clinical Nutrition, Public Health, Community Nutrition, Media & advertising, and International Environmental Health and Related Polices for Higher Education.




Community Services

Personally, different community service programs was performed based on assessment programs for nutritional status of different age groups. E.g. assessing the nutrition status of school children and adolescents in Jeddah City in collaborative with other faculty and students of the clinical nutrition programme, which resulted in a range of children, youth and family services in addition to advices to principal teachers and decision makers. Guided students in activities and visits to orphan houses for girls in Jeddah city and a full nutrition assessment was conducted at individuals and environment levels and consultations were provided per need. Additionally, arranged, enhanced and encouraged other educational and interventional programs and campaigns conducted by faculty members and students such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, renal, asthma, food allergies and …etc.


Some conducted community activities:

  1. Community-Related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme’s including training senior students in evaluating the nutrition & dietetics services in the primary health care centres and the report was submitted to the Ministry of Health to include/improve nutrition & dietetic services and provide employment opportunities for the CLN programme graduates in these centres. The programme was conducted in the academic year 2016-2017.
  2. Community-Related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme including training junior students in evaluating the nutrition status of preschool children & Asthma status and personal & environmental factors affecting asthma status (in the academic year 2015-2016).
  3. Community-Related activities was in conducting a prevention-intervention programme to tackle the problem of obesity in schools for girls. Uniting a personal & environmental approaches such as changing the food patterns of students, modify unhealthy snack and food/beverages options in school canteens and promote physical activities & exercises. The programme was developed by Dr. Elham Aljaaly in collaboration with Dr. Ihab Tawifk from University of Westminster, in the 2013 summer programme for collaboration between the UK & Saudi universities by PDSR & British council. The programme was applied in 2 intermediate schools for girls as a pilot application to be developed as a national programme Community-Related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme including training junior students in evaluating the nutrition status of preschool children & Asthma status and personal & environmental factors affecting asthma status (in the academic year 2015-2016).
  4. Healthy Canteen Campaign: A Sample School Canteen was created include samples of food that is low in HFSS (Food high in saturated fats, sugar & salt) and displayed healthy meals & snacks with printed recipes. This was presented in different intermediate schools in Jeddah city and in the 10th KAU FAMS’s students’ annual meeting in the academic year 2014-2015.
  5. A community work was conducted to assess the healthiness of the physical environment andCommunity & practice-related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN Programme including training junior students in evaluating the nutritional status of adolescent girls in a community-based settings “at intermediate schools for girls” in the academic year 2014-2015.
  6. Research & practice--Related activities incorporated in teaching courses related to the CLN programme’ including training senior students in evaluating the nutrition status of Orphans, the physical environment where they can access food and physical activities. In addition, the food services provided for Orphans (in the academic year 2014-2015).


RResearch & Reviews

Research &Reviews

Supervising research projects for students at undergraduate & postgraduate levels

Have supervised some undergraduate (BSc) students in completing research projects mainly were fieldwork-based, such as analysing individual, social physical environments (e.g. school & university students’ meals and physical activities) and Macro-systems (School polices for meals and physical activities) and Polices for higher education . Other research included assessment of food habits and meal patterns. Moreover, some intervention research for overweight and obese children was supervised. Other research projects in assessing nutrition & dietetics practice and services was also supervised. Moreover, research included reviews for Health & Higher Education & Polices was conducted and supervised. Current research projects are about the prevalence of asthma among children and related risk factors and intervention programs for patients with end stage renal disease by Guar Gum.

Supervised Research Projects for senior students in the Clinical Nutrition Departments
Studying the Differences in Food Patterns and Lifestyle among Health College Students and their Mothers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (in the academic year 2013-2014).

2.Assessing of KAU female section‘s physical environment, food and beverages options served by different caterers ((in the academic year 2014-2015).

3-Nutritional Status among Patients with Cardiovascular Disease(in the academic year 2014-2015).

4-Assessment of dietetic practice, nutritional services and patient satisfaction with the scope of chronic kidney disease in Jeddah city (in the academic year 2014-2015).

5- Jeddah Adolescent Prevention - Intervention (JAPI) for nutrition-related diseases (in the academic year 2015-2016).

6- Effect of “Talbinah” food consumption on depressive symptoms among medical student females at KAU (in the academic year 2015-2016).

7- The effect of Arabic gum in chronic renal failure patient (in the academic year 2016-2017).

Conduct research & reviews related to the following areas:

Clinical Nutrition, Public Health, school health, children and adolescents’ health, Community Nutrition, Media and advertising, Medical Health & General Administration and polices, and International Environmental Health

  1. Research on Nutrition-Related diseases.
  2. Research on public policy and higher education.
  3. Research on Nutrition during Life Cycle.
  4. Research on Nutrition & Growth.
  5. Research on media and advertising.
  6. Research that is community-based and different settings.
  7. Research on school health and school environment.
  8. Research on own systems and laws, policies & decisions making and economies that belong to health research.
  9. Research relevant to the practice of medical and administrative occupation research.
  10. Research related to education with regards to curriculums for all stages (Schools and University-based).
  11. Research related to sustainable health and sustainability for development.
  12. Research relevant to the Nutrition & Dietetics Professionalism and Practice.
  13. Research related to health and economics.


  1. Had awarded two grants for proposals submitted to the King Abdulaziz University (KAU) Deanship of Scientific Research


  1. Have been selected as a wining researcher of the BAE post-doctoral summer research in 2013 & 2016 grants. The programme is managed by the British Council, sponsored by BAE systems and approved by the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education.


  1. Her published papers have been cited by different national & international authors.e.g. of selected citing papers of others:


  1. Nutritional composition of breakfast meals served in all-girl intermediate and secondary public schools in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Yahya, Lamyaa. Diss. Kent State University, 2017.
  2. Sachithananthan, Vedavalli, and Wedad Flyyh Mtlk Al Rashedi. "Macronutrient Adequacy of Breakfast of Saudi Arabian Female Adolescents and its Relationship to Bmi." International Journal of Health Sciences 2.2 (2014): 143-149. “A Study of the Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Adolescents and Early Adults Aged 19 to 24 Years and its Relationship to Lifestyle and Dietary Attributes." American Journal of Ethno-medicine 1.1 (2014): 030-035.
  3. Sachithananthan, Vedavalli, and Wedad Flyyh Mtlk Al Rashedi. "Macronutrient Adequacy of Breakfast of Saudi Arabian Female Adolescents and its Relationship to Bmi."International Journal of Health Sciences2.2 (2014): 143-149
  1. Her used materials and methods in her research had been requested for reprint, adaptations by national & international authors and students e.g. the interview questionnaire for food patterns of adolescents was used by CLN students in King Abdulaziz University and by medical students Qassim University. Community

4.5 The Head of the Nutrition Weight Control Clinic, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, KAU, Jeddah. SA (October 2013- to present)

Responsible for the management of the Combined Nutrition Clinic with the Physical Therapy Clinic under the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at KAU, which run by different faculty members/speciality. She established the CLN Clinic to serve the community. train CLN students & to be used as a research unit

Qualification & responsibilities related to the Nutrition Clinic include:

  • A consultant in Clinical Nutrition.
  • A consultant General Dietitian
  • A consultant dietitian for adult obesity, malnutrition for children and adolescent (obesity, underweight and anaemia), children and adolescent eating disorders and other feeding problems such as autism and re-feeding syndrome
  • A consultant Media Dietitian
  • Train undergraduate students and dietetic interns
  • Conduct research in Nutrition & Dietetics


4.6 The Head of the National and International Commission for Academic Accreditation (NCAAA) for the Clinical Nutrition Department, Medical Applied College, KAU, Jeddah. SA (October 2013- to September 2016)

  • Chaired of the departmental Quality and Academic Accreditation Committee for national (NCAAA) and international (AHPGS) accreditations.
  • Conducted surveys and prepared all documents and evidence according to the accreditation requirements with the help of other members in the Committee. Guided the accreditation team and to had the programme to be accredit internationally by AHPGS.

4.7 The House of Experience “The Professionalism for Clinical Nutrition” under the KAU’s Homes of Expertise.

The house of experience “The Professionalism for Clinical Nutrition” provide consultations in:

  • Consultations in the establishment of clinics specialized in clinical nutrition.
  • Design and preparation of scientific programs in clinical nutrition for the purpose of establishing or updating programs of colleges, health institutes and specialized training centres in clinical nutrition.
  • Conducting feasibility studies for the establishment of food and health nutrition projects in restaurants, hospitals and schools as well as companies selling health food products.
  • Consultation on food hygiene and safety in various facilities.
  • Providing research consultancy services in the field of clinical nutrition.
  • Providing advisory services in relation to media and food advertising.
  • Organizing and preparing scientific conferences and seminars and training courses in therapeutic nutrition and nutrition of athletes.



Other Experiences


4.8 Post-Doctoral Research Programme (July 2016 – September 2016)

Done in person with a Professor from University of Sussex, United Kingdom. The collaborated work was conducted in the 2016 summer programme for UK-SA researchers by PDSR & the British Council. The effect of dietary, environmental and economic factors, on the development and severity of Asthma Among Preschool Children in Saudi Arabia.

4.9 Post-Doctoral Research Programme (June 2013 – August 2013)

Department of Human and Health Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom

  • Summer Research (PDSR) to develop Jeddah Obesity Prevention (JOP) research proposal for nutrition intervention in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


4.10 Post-Doctoral Programme (March 2012 – August 2012)

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom

  • Clinical placement (observation) on nutrition management for eating disorders.


4.9 Research Associate at CIHD, ICH, UCL, London, UK (2008 to 2012)

Research Assistants/Associates.When I was doing my PhD Research at UCL, I volunteered to assist in carrying out or do some consultation and interpretation work in some particular research areas related to the Gulf Region or to the field of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

Translation work available at:

4.11 A Consulting Editor in the International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, Published in the United Kingdom - 2 issues per year (Sep 2011 to Jan 2017)

4.12 An editorial member (Editorial Advisory Board) in the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE) (2015 to present).

A regular reviewer for the Journalism of Mass Communication (2016 to present).


4.13 Head of Nutrition & Dietetics Services and Food Services at the University hospital (KAUH) (2003-2006).

  • ¨Supervised Food Services and Dietetics contractors; to ensure quality control and food safety standards, and launch new menus and various programs to meet health and nutritional requirements;
  • ¨Trains all dietary and food services staff on international basis


4.14 The main researcher of the international programme the "Smart Heart Challenge (SHC), Lowering your Cholesterol by Oats"/ 2003-2004, which was conducted at King Abdulaziz University Hospital in Jeddah.

Is a community-based research. Was the first and the only research conducted in the Middle East to intervene those with high cholesterol with a high fibre food items (oats-based). The study included more than 100 participants. The Quaker’s Mother Company in the USA & UK sponsored the programme. Positive results obtained and announced in a big event at KAU.


4.15 Chief of ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’ from 1997-2006 (1417/1427H). King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH)

  • ¨Established policies and procedures for Nutrition and Dietetics department including job descriptions, qualifications and organization charts for Nutrition and Dietetics staff.
  • ¨Supervised the contractor “Gulf Company” for food services for patients and employees.
  • ¨Conducted training classes for medical teams, family medicine doctors regarding medical nutrition therapy for diseases per demand.
  • ¨Taught medical nutrition therapy for diabetes mellitus for different medical practitioners in the annual course for diabetic educators hold in Jeddah.
  • ¨Trained, supervises and evaluates dietetic interns from King Saud University assigned to all units in the University Hospital.
  • ¨Conducted classes for human nutrition and practicum for King Abdul-Aziz University’s Senior Home and Economics students.
  • ¨Established the American System for Diet Management for patients and later shifted to the British System.
  • ¨Conducted continues training programs in the updated system for co-workers, dietitians who work in the caterer of food service.
  • ¨Provided on the job training on “SOAP” Charting, patient interviewing and counselling skills
  • ¨Updated and revised diet education materials for patients.
  • ¨Reviewed and updated all therapeutic diets for patients.
  • ¨Reviewed policies and procedures of the dietetic department.


4.16 Therapeutic Dietitian (Paediatric Dietitian) and Dietetic supervisor KAUH. Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabiafrom (1989- 1997).

  • ¨Follow up counselling in outpatient adult and paediatric clinics with physicians;
  • ¨Nutritional assessments and patient/parent interviews within 24-48 hours of hospital admission;
  • ¨SOAP” Charts and nutritional assessment and diet management in patient's medical records;
  • ¨Instructs patients, parents or other family members on the required diet per physician order;
  • ¨Determines need for follow up instructions and out patients basis;
  • ¨Determines needs and conducts regular patient's visitation through rounds;
  • ¨Participated in medical rounds with physicians/ and other medical staff on regular basis;
  • ¨Assist with the planning and development of regular and modified diet cycle menus for patients;
  • ¨Assess and recommend of all infant formulas needed for children for paediatric patients either normal or sick children;
  • ¨Assessment of all NGT formulas as needed by patients.


4.17 Therapeutic Dietitian, Food and Nutrition Services, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (From 1986-1989).

  • ¨Trained, supervised and evaluated dietetic interns in renal medical ward and long term nutritional care, planned emphasis on avoiding malnutrition in hospitalized patients at the KFSH & RC
  • ¨Participated in supervising Nutrition & Dietetics services at the East Wing of the KFSH & RC
  • ¨Worked as a general therapeutic dietitian
  • ¨Worked as a paediatric dietitian
  • ¨Worked as a renal dietitian, was a member of the nephrology team, and was responsible for the dietary management of renal patients.
  • ¨Responsible for the dietary management of long term care patients and supervised dietary employees assigned to the long-term care units.
  • ¨Rotated weekend duty with American, Canadian and British trained dietitians, having full responsibility for the therapeutic nutrition unit.
  • ¨Participated in medical rounds with physicians.
  • ¨Served on the medical supporting team for inpatient needs, discharge planning and outpatient needs.
  • ¨Responsible for the nutritional care and dietary management of all hospitalized patients (emphasizing on paediatric and oncology patients).


Notes: Other additional work included consultation, review, auditing, track chairing and heading of scientific sessions nationally, regionally and internationally. Joined by invitation a number of Journals, institutions and organization e.g. World Association for Sustainable development (WASD), Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (reviewing students research projects to be presented in students annual meetings, evaluates and heading scientific sessions), Saudi Ministry of Health (provide consultations for health professionals concerning nutrition assessment and nutrition & dietetic services and practice for different diseases), Nestlé in the Middle East (invitation to conduct courses arranged by the company), Saudi Students Clubs & Schools - UK & Ireland (teaching science for students in the Saudi high diploma at the Saudi School, London & was the Vice President of the 28th period of the General Assembly for election to the Saudi clubs (2012) while doing her PhD.





Reviewing, Editorial Work, Track Charing & conferences & Consultancy work (selected work)

  1. Been accredit by the Saudi Council for Health Specialists (SCFHS) as “A Consultant in Clinical Nutrition” in 2017.
  2. Been selected to be part of the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia as one of the “Top National Talent Network, which is an exclusive registry of leading professionals in Saudi Arabia”.
  3. Been designated by the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences as a Consultant of Clinical Nutrition at the College since the academic year 2013-2014.
  4. A member of the KAU FAMS’ Advisory Committee from 2014 to present.
  5. Been designated as the Head of the advisory committee for the KAU Clinical Nutrition programme 2014 to 2016.
  6. A Consultant Editor in the “International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health (IJFNPH)” from 2011 until Jan 2017.

  7. An editorial member (Editorial Advisory Board) in the “Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE)” since 2015 to present.
  8. A regular reviewer for the Journalism of mass communication sine 2016 to present.
  9. Been invited by and reviewed work related to the “Bulletin of the World Health Organization (BLT)”. file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/reviewers0117.pdf
  10. Been invited by and reviewed work related to the “World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development (WJSTSD)” in Feb 2016 to review the following articles “Radiology and sustainable development” and “A Trail of Using Green Tea for Competing Toxicity of Acrylamide on Kidney Function”.
  11. Been invited by and reviewed work related to “King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)”: work included reviews for different proposals for grants and reviews for the submitted periodic and final reports for different research. Had reviewed and took a decision for a number of proposals and reports submitted to King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) for grants starting from 2012 to present.
  12. Been invited by king Abdulaziz University and the Saudi Higher Education to review work related to the “Annual meetings and conferences for students.
  13. Been nominated to head scientific sessions (for health professionals) at KAU Medical Centre in annual meetings and conferences related to king Abdulaziz University and the Saudi Higher Education.
  14. Been nominated by the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) as the track chair in different tracks in conferences related to WASD including the recent following. The track chair and head of two sessions: ‘food nutrition and public health’ & ‘the public policy and higher education’ in the WASD 14th International Annual Conference. The theme of the conference was” Europe at a crossroads: the challenge for future sustainable development” in 20-22 July 2016 Canary Wharf, London, UK. Also, the track chair and head of sessions for the medical sciences and public health in the ‘Third Sudanese Diaspora International Conference 2015: The critical role of Diaspora in international scientific cooperation with the country of origin’ at University Square Stratford – London, United Kingdom 25-26 July 2016. The track chair for the medical sciences and public health (Second Sudanese Diaspora International Conference 2015 at University of Sussex, Brighton - United Kingdom from 11 to 12 of June 2015. The theme of the conference was ‘’the role of universities and research institutions in managing knowledge for a sustainable inclusive growth in Sudan’’. The head of two scientific sessions in the World Sustainable Development in the 13th WASD International Conference 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey (1-3 June 2015) the theme of the conference was ‘’Green Behaviour: Re-thinking Policy for Sustainability’’.
  15. Been nominated in 2013 by authors of the study Titles: The Double Burden of Obesity and Malnutrition in a Protracted Emergency Setting: A Cross-Sectional Study of Western Sahara Refugees" to translate the abstract of the study to Arabic.
  16. In addition, been invited in a number of national and regional meetings related to Ministry of Education & Ministry of Health, conferences and workshop to head scientific sessions including Riyadh, Khober, Jeddah and Dubai.
  17. Moreover, she conduct consultancy works with specialists from local and international organizations. E.g. Visit Marsha Sharp the “Director of International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA)” and the “official Representative of Dietitians of Canada” in Toronto, Canada in April 2015 to consult her about the accreditation of the KAU’s CLN programme by international agencies and the possibility of collaboration with ICDA.

Affiliations, Selected Continuing Education Programs Attended & Presentations

Attended several local/national, regional and international continuing educations e.g. ESPEN, ASPEN, ADA conferences and other international conferences at Gulf and Asia Regions. Additionally, track chair and chairperson for medical and public health in different national and international events such as Annual WASD  Conferences, Annual Students Meetings (KAU, FAMS) from 2012- Present, MNT Conference at KFSH & RC (2012).

  • ¨Invited speaker in the conference for the Clinical Nutrition Week 2017 (CNW17) for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) in February 2017. “Abstract number M93” entitled “Teaching Evidence-based search practices and Critical Thinking Skills in Nutrition Assessment for Junior Dietetics students in Saudi Arabia”. The event took place in the Orlando World Centre Marriott, February 18-21, 2017.
  • ¨Invited speaker in the 13th International Congress on Obesity (ICO) by World Obesity Federation | ICO 2016. Was hosted by World Obesity Federation in partnership with the Canadian Obesity Network (CON).The congress took place in Vancouver, Canada, 1-4 May 2016. Work presented. Two works were presented entitled “Nutrition & dietetics services for assessing adolescents’ anthropometric status in Saudi Arabia” (Abstract no. T5:S32:08) & “Physical activities of young girls in Saudi Arabia” (Abstract no.T4:S26:13).
  • ¨Invited speaker in the 5th Canadian Obesity Summit, took place in the Banff Springs Hotel, in Banff Alberta, April 25 - 29, 2017. Abstract entitled “Jeddah Obesity Prevention Intervention Programme (JOPIP) for Overweight/obese Schoolgirls”.
  • ¨Invited speaker in the WASD 14th International Annual Conference: Europe at a crossroads: the challenge for future sustainable development 20-22 July 2016 Canary Wharf, London, UK. Papers titled” Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians in King Abdulaziz university – A comparison with the European standards” & “Practice of anthropometry for adolescents in Saudi Arabia and the need for sustainability of the practice: lessons from the UK”.
  • ¨Invited speaker in the ‘Third International Diaspora Conference 2015: The critical role of Diaspora in international scientific cooperation with the country of origin’ at University Square Stratford – London, United Kingdom 25-26 July 2016. Paper titled” Research status and profile of the second Didactic Dietetics Programme in Saudi Arabia: a response from a Diaspora of graduates”.
  • ¨Invited speaker by the 20th World Diabetic Day ‘’WDD’’ (Professional Programme), organized by the University Diabetic Centre, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to be held on 14th of November 2015.Paper titled” The Role of Nutritionist,Dietitian and Nutrition Polices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”
  • ¨Invited speaker by the World Sustainable Development to attend and speak in the Second Sudanese Diaspora International Conference 2015 at University of Sussex, Brighton - United Kingdom from 11 to 12 of June 2015. The theme of the conference was ‘’the role of universities and research institutions in managing knowledge for a sustainable inclusive growth in Sudan’’. Paper titled” Development OF Professionalism and Dietetic Practice: A Critical Role for the Nationally Dispersed Group of Leaders and Futurists in the Field of Nutrition and Dietetics”
  • ¨Invited and provided a scholarship by the World Obesity Federation to attend the SCOPE School London’s Workshop on managing children obesity
  • ¨Invited speaker by the World Sustainable Development in the 13th WASD International Conference 2015 Istanbul, Turkey (1-3 June 2015) the theme of the conference was ‘’Green Behaviour: Re-thinking Policy for Sustainability’’. Paper titled “Personal and Environmental Influences on Eating Behaviours of Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia”.
  • ¨Invited speaker at the Clinical Nutrition Updates 2015 to speak about ‘’Eating disorders Among Children & Adolescents: Nutritional Aspects’’ (May 6, 2015)
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the Canadian Obesity Summit, April 28- May 2, 2015. The Westin, Toronto. Papers titled “Describing the Intrapersonal Influences on Eating Behaviours of Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia” & “Food Advertising Watched by Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia”
  • ¨Invited Speaker by the KAU, Rabigh Branch to speak about ‘’Media, Marketing & Food Advertising’’ in (March 12 2015).
  • ¨Invited Speaker by University of Dammam. Feb 26, 2015 (Case-paediatric-presentation (Lecture & Workshop).
  • ¨Invited Speaker by Ministry of Health “Assessment for Paediatrics for Health professionals that was organised for health professionals by the Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia” (Lecture & Workshop) (4-6 Jan 2015).
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition and Growth to take place in Barcelona, Spain, January 30 – February 1, 2014 ‘Title: "Risk Factors for Overweight Status in Adolescent Girls in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia"
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the 3rd American Society for the Middle East Congress (Nutrition in Health & Disease) in Dubai, UAE ‘Title: "Description of Centralized Fat Status of Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia using Waist Circumference in Comparison to the UK Reference Data" (February 19- 21, 2014)
  • ¨Invited speaker at the 2nd American Society for Nutrition Middle East Congress (Nutrition in Health & Disease) Dubai, UAE ‘Title: "Risk Factors for Overweight Status in Adolescent Girls in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia" (February 20- 22, 2013)
  • ¨February 2013- Training Course in Assurance and Quality Control of Teaching and Learning processes, KAU, Jeddah. SA
  • ¨December 2012-Production Academic Forum VIII, KAU, Jeddah. Saudi Arabia.
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the 10th International Conference World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD), Emirates Place Conference Centre, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 19th – 21st November 2012 ‘Title: "Food Advertising Watched by Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia". Nov. 2012"
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the 6th Saudi International Conference (SIC)’/London-October, 2012 Titles: 1)"The Weight Status ofSaudi Adolescent Girls Using the 2007 WHO ReferenceData" & "Risk Factors for Overweight Status in Adolescent Girls in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia"
  • ¨Invited Speaker at theMedical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) Symposium/KFSH & RC, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia- September 2012 Title: "Factors affecting nutritional status and eating behaviours in Saudi Arabian adolescent girls".
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the ‘1st International Conference on Nutrition and Growth, Paris, France, March 1- 3, 2012.Title:"The weight status of Saudi adolescent girls using the 2007 WHO reference data"
  • ¨Invited to participate in the Poster Competition at UCL, London, UK/28 February 2012 Title: "Factors affecting nutritional status and eating behaviours in Saudi Arabian adolescent girls"
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the Children’s TV in the Arab World conference/University of Westminster, London.UK (March, 2010)
  • ¨Invited Speaker at ‘the 4th Saudi International Conference (SIC)’/Manchester-30 and 31 June, 2010 Title:"Nutritional status, individual and environmental influences on Saudi adolescent eating behaviours in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia"
  • ¨Invited Speaker at ‘The National Marathon for Saudi female’/University of Sheffield, 20 June 2010’. Title: "Physical Activity and Saudi Adolescent females"
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the Children’s TV in the Arab World’ Conference/University of Westminster, London-4th June, 2010 Titled: "Food advertising and adolescents’ eating behaviours: a content analysis of TV Channels watched by Saudi girls in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia"
  • ¨Invited Speaker by Saudi Student Clubs in the UK to conduct a national workshop for Saudi students and their families/University of Brighton, June 2009 Title: "Media and Food Marketing Directed to Children and Adolescents and Influences on Food Choice"
  • ¨September 6th to 9th 2005- the 42nd Annual Symposium SSIEM 2005, in Paris
  • ¨August 27-30 2005 27th -ESPEN Congress-Brussels
  • ¨Invited Speaker at (EFAD) The European Federation of the Association of Dieticians/ Geneva, Switzerland - June 2-5 2005 Title: "A Randomized trial: Diet and Physical Activity Intervention in Obese Women in Saudi Arabia"
  • ¨Invited Speaker at the 3rd Asia-Oceania Obesity Conference/ Taipei, Taiwan- February 25-27 2005 Title: "A Randomized trial: Diet and Physical Activity Intervention in Obese Women in Saudi Arabia"
  • ¨September 2004 - 26th - ESPEN Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
  • ¨February 2004.ASPEN- Nutrition Week Congress, Las Vegas, USA
  • ¨September 2003 – MASO 2nd AOCO Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • ¨May 2003 – Research Methodology Course, Jeddah S.A
  • ¨May 2003- Second EBM course as a Dietician Consultant, Jeddah, S.A.
  • ¨October 2002-Second EBM International Symposium on update in clinical and community Nutrition, Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, KSA
  • ¨September 2002- 24th - ESPEN Congress, Glasgow, Scotland  
  • ¨September 2002 – 23rd - ESPEN Congress Munich, Germany.
  • ¨October 2000 - American Dietetic Association Conference, Denver, Colorado, United States of America.
  • ¨September 2000- 22nd - ESPEN Congress, Madrid, Spain 
  • ¨In Addition to a number of national and regional conferences and meetings


- Resource speaker on Nutrition seminars/symposiums and in newspapers and radio/TV programs and resource person on T.V. and radio on different areas including obesity, healthy eating and fibre and its health benefits

- Continually, attending and conducting different courses & workshops that are related to skills development in different areas including: administration, education (teaching & learning process), strategic plans, accreditations, medical continuous education ….etc.

List of Selected Research Publications

  1. Aljaaly, E. (2017). “A Screening Programme for Overweight Status among Schoolgirls in Saudi Arabia: A Proposed Co-design Project to Tackle the Problem” (Accepted for publication in the Journalism and Mass Communication in April 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4, doi: 10.17265/2160-6579/2017.04.000. ISSN 2160-6579.
  2. Aljaaly, E. (2017) “Assessing the Healthiness of Physical Environment and Food Business at the Female Section of King Abdulaziz University” In the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE), Vol. 2, No 2 (2017) ((Published in 31 of August 2017). ISSN: 2518-6590. file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/30-54-1-PB.pdf
  3. Nahlaa Khalifa, Elham Abbas Aljaaly, (2017) "Using nutraceuticals in the management of major depressive disorder (MDD): Approach to be considered for sustainable healthcare systems", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 14 Issue: 1, pp.50-59,
  4. Aljaaly, E.A. (2016) “Physical Activities of Young Girls in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia”: In the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE), Vol. 1, No. 3. (Published in 24 Dec 2016). ISSN: 2518-6590.
  5. Al-Jaaly, E.A. (2016) “The impact of media and advertising in the commercial promotion of foods on eating behaviour of adolescent girls in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia”: أثر الإعلام والإعلان في الترويج التجاري للأغذية على السلوك الغذائي للمراهقات بمدينة جدة. Ref.:  Ms. No. EMHJ-D-14-00526R2. Published at the [Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ)].
  6. Aljaaly, E.A. (2016) “Benchmarking of Academic Studies of Dietitians in King Abdulaziz University – A comparison with the European standards” In: ‘World Sustainable Development Outlook 2016’: Europe at a crossroads: the challenge for future sustainable development”.
  7. Aljaaly, E.A. & Khalifa, N.A (2016) “Practice of anthropometry for Adolescents in Saudi Arabia and the Need for Sustainability of the Practice: Lessons from the UK” In: ‘World Sustainable Development Outlook 2016’: Europe at a crossroads: the challenge for future sustainable development”. & Pdf file available at: file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/14_Aljaaly_Nahla.pdf
  8. Aljaaly, E. (2016) ‘’First Cycle Professional Higher Education Degree in Dietetics: A Comparison of Saudi Programme with the European Standards’’, Int. J. Food, Nutrition and Public Health (IJFNPH), Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.1–10 (Published)
  9. Khalifa, N.A & Al-Jaaly, E.A . (2016) “The involvement of Nutraceuticals to sustainable healthcare in Europe in the context of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)”. In: ‘World Sustainable Development Outlook 2016’: Europe at a crossroads: the challenge for future sustainable” development”.
  10. Aljaaly, E. “Research Status and profile of the Second Didactic Dietetics Programme in Saudi Arabia: A response from a Diaspora of Graduates. In: ‘World Sustainable Development Outlook for the 2nd Sudanese Diaspora 2016 ’
  11. Elham Abbas Aljaaly, Nahlaa Abduwahab Khalifa, (2016) "The prevalence of anaemia among Saudi school girls: a comparison of two techniques", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 13 Iss: 2, pp. 82-88. Publication date: 04Apr,2016.
  12. Elham Abbas Aljaaly , Nahlaa Khalifa , (2016) "Assessment of growth status in Saudi hospitals: the use for anthropometric approach and the need to sustain the practice", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 13 Iss:2,pp.143-151
  13. Al-Jaaly, E.A., Khalifa, N.A. and Badreldin, A.M. (04 Jan 2016)‘Assessing Girls’ School Meals and Snack Food Options in Saudi Arabia using the UK Food Standard Agency Nutrient-Profi ling Model’, Int. J. Food, Nutrition and Public Health, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.35]41. file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/IJFNPH%20V8%20N1%202016_Aljaaly%20et%20al%20(2).pdf
  14. Aljaaly, E. (2016) ‘The profession and practice of nutrition and dietetics in Sudan’. International Journal of Sudan Research (IJSR), Vol. 6, No. 1 2016,pp.90–102
  15. Aljaaly, Elham A. (2016) “Nutrition & Dietetics Services for Assessing Adolescents' Anthropometric Status in Saudi Arabia. (Abstract no. T5:S32:08) published in published in the Obesity reviews Volume 17 Supplement 2 April 2016. ISSN: 1467-789X. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12417 or
  16. Aljaaly, Elham A. (2016) “Physical Activities of Young Girls in Saudi Arabia”. (Abstract) published in the Obesity reviews Volume 17 Supplement 2 April 2016. ISSN: 1467-789X. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12417
  17. Aljaaly, Elham A. “Describing the Intrapersonal Influences on Eating Behaviours of Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia” (Abstract). Published in: Canadian Journal of Diabetes. Volume 39, Pp.S39. Publication date: April 2015. Publisher: Elsevier. DOI:
  18. Elham A. Aljaaly “Food Advertising Watched by Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia”. Published in: the Canadian Journal of Diabetes (Abstract). Publication date: April 2015. Publisher: Elsevier. DOI:
  19. Aljaaly, E. (2015)”Eating Patterns and Nutritional Behaviours of Saudi Young Girls: Influences and Contributing Factors” Int. J. Food, Nutrition and Public Health Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015. file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/ALJAALY_IJFNPH_V7_N2_2015-Itemid=%20(2).pdf
  20. Aljaaly, E. (2015) ‘’Development of professionalism and dietetic practice: a critical role for the nationally dispersed group of leaders and futurists in the field of nutrition and dietetics’’. In: ‘World Sustainable Development Outlook for the 2nd Sudanese Diaspora 2015’ ISBN: 978-1-907106-36-1; ISSN 1748-8133. file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/11-E.%20Aljaaly.pdf
  21. Aljaaly, E. (2015) ‘Personal and Environmental Influences on Eating Behaviours of Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia’ In: ‘World Sustainable Development Outlook 2015’ Green Behaviour: Re-thinking Policy for Sustainability’ ISBN: 978-1-907106-35-4; ISSN 1748-8133.
  22. Aljaaly, E. and Khalifa, N.A (2015) ‘Nutrition & Dietetics Services for Assessing Adolescents’ Anthropometric status in Saudi Arabia’, International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR), Vol. 4, No. 4, April, ISSN. No 2277 – 8179, pp.337–338, Available at:

  23.  Aljaaly, E. (2014) ‘Centralized fat status of adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia in comparison to the United Kingdom Reference Data’, British Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.19–24. file:///C:/Users/00030200/Downloads/pdf-BJMHR-103003%20(2).pdf

  24. Aljaaly, E. (2012) ‘Food advertising watched by adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia In: ‘World Sustainable Development Outlook 2012’ Change, Innovate and Lead for a Sustainable Future’ ISBN (Print) 978-1-907106-19-4; ISBN (ebook) 978-1-907106-20-0, ISSN:1748-8133;pp 321-335.
  25. Al-Jaaly, E. (2013) Publication for an abstract-(2013). Title: "Risk Factors for Overweight Status in Adolescent Girls in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia". *Abstract Code P1088.
  26. Al-Jaaly, E. (2012). ‘Food Advertising watched by adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia’, International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health (IJFNPH), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.249–263.
  27. Al-Jaaly, E. (2012).An abstract publication/ the 6th Saudi International Conference (SIC)’/London-October, 2012 Titles: 1)"The WeightStatus ofSaudi Adolescent Girls Using the 2007 WHO ReferenceData" & "Risk Factors for Overweight Status in Adolescent Girls in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia".
  28. Al-Jaaly, E. (2012). Peer Review Publication for the Arabic translation of the summary of the study in the journal.pmed.1001320.s003 (4).2013Titles:The Double Burden of Obesity and Malnutrition in a Protracted Emergency Setting: A Cross-Sectional Study of Western Sahara Refugees".
  29. Al-Jaaly, E., Lawson, M. and Hesketh, T. (2011) ‘Overweight and its determinants in adolescent girls in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia’, International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.95 to 108 .

Links for YouTube presentations at some conferences

  1. Research status and profile of the second didactic dietetics programme in Saudi Arabia.
  2. Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University.
  3. Personal and environmental influences on eating behaviours of adolescent girls in Saudi Arabia.
  4. Development of professionalism and dietetic practice.
  5. Diaspora Partnership Models and Approaches and Public health and Medical Sciences. ttps://


  • 1980

    High School degree from , The First High School Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, جدة , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1985

    Bachelor degree from Clinical Nutrition DepartmentApplied Medical College , King Saud University, الرياض, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2004

    Master degree from Human Nutrition Faculty of Medicine, University of Sheffield, شيفيلد, بريطانيا

  • 2012


  • 2012

    Master degree from (Center for International Health & Development (CIHD(Institute of Child Health (ICH, University College London, لندن , بريطانيا

  • 2012

    Doctorate degree from النحافة المفرطة GOSH , GOSH , لندن , بريطانيا

  • 2013

    Doctorate degree from قسم علوم صحة الأنسان كلية العلوم والتقنية , University of Westminster, لندن , بريطانيا


  • 1985-1989

    Therapeutic Dietician, Food and Nutrition Service, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, RIYADH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1986-1989

    Therapeutic Dietician, Clinical Nutrition Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, RIYADH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1997-1989

    Therapeutic Dietician, أخصائية تغذية علاجية للأطفال و المشرفة علي أخصائيات التغذية العلاجية بمستشفي جامعة الملك عبد العزيز , JEDDAH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1997-2006

    Chief of ‘Nutrition and Dietetics, King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital, JEDDAH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2003-2006

    A member of Saudi Council for Health Specialists at Different Committee in ‘, 4.The Committee for Clinical Nutrition and the Committee for Private Heath Institutes’., JEDDAH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2004-2005

    The main researcher in an international research , KAUH , جدة , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2005-2006

    Establishment of Clinical Nutrition department , Clinical Nutrition Department at Medical Applied College, King Abdul-Aziz University, JEDDAH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2005-2006

    Lecturer in ‘Clinical Nutrition Programme, Medical Applied College, King Abdul-Aziz University’, Clinical Nutrition Programme, Medical Applied College, King Abdul-Aziz University, JEDDAH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2011-2016

    Consultant Editor , the International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health (IJFNPH), لندن , بريطانيا

  • 2011-حاليا

    عضو في المنظمة العالمية للتنمية المستدامة (WASD), the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) , لندن , بريطانيا

  • 2012-2012

    Post-Doctoral Placement , Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United, لندن, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2012-2012

    nominated by voting as the Vice President of the 28th period of the General Assembly for election to the Saudi clubs (2012) while doing her PhD in the UK, Saudi Clubs in the UK , لندن , بريطانيا

  • 2012-2016

    editorial member in the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE), editorial member in the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE), أبو ظبي, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2012-حاليا

    the main researcher in research by DSR , KAU , جدة , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2012-حاليا

    مراجع ومدقق لمقترحات وتقارير الأبحاث المقدة للمدينة , King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). , الرياض , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2012-حاليا

    Assistant Professor in ‘Clinical Nutrition Programme, Medical Applied College, King Abdul-Aziz University, Clinical Nutrition Programme, Medical Applied College, King Abdul-Aziz University, JEDDAH, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2012-حاليا

    Consulting Editor in the International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, لندن, بريطانيا

  • 2013-2013

    Post-Doctoral Research Programme, department of Human and Health Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom , لندن, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2013-2016

    the Chairperson of the Commission for national (NCAA) and international (AHPGS) Academic Accreditation for the Clinical Nutrition Programme, KAU , جدة , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2013-حاليا

    The Head of the Nutrition Weight Control Clinic, King Abdulaziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2014-حاليا

    Head of the Clinical Nutrition, King Abdulaziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2016-2016

    Research collaboration , University of Sussex, برايتون , بريطانيا

  • 2016-2016

    reviewer for scientific manuscript , the World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development (WJSTSD), لندن , بريطانيا

  • 2016-2016

    ٌReviewer and editor for some articles an reports , World Health Organization, جنيف , ســـويســرا

  • 2016-حاليا

    mentor for a faculty member work for faculty staff , King Abdulaziz University , جدة , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2016-حاليا

    Vice Dean for Female Section, Faculty of Appllied Medical Sciences , جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2016-حاليا

    part of the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia as one of the “Top National Talent Network, جامعة الملك عبد الله للعلوم والتقنية (كاوست), ثول , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2017-حاليا

    Consultant in Clinical Nutrition, the Saudi Council for Health Specialists (SCFHS , جدة , المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

Research & Reviews related to the following areas

Clinical Nutrition, Public Health, Community Nutrition, Media Nutrition, Medical Health & General Administration and polices, and International Environmental Health 

  • Research on Nutrition-Related diseases
  • Research on Nutrition during Life Cycle 
  •  Research on public policy and higher education
  •  Research on Nutrition during Life Cycle. 
  • Research on Nutrition & Growth
  • Research on Media, and advertising
  • Research related to Community Nutrition
  • Research on school health and school environment
  • Research on own systems and laws, policies & decisions making and economies that belong to health research
  • Research relevant to the practice of medical and administrative occupations research
  • Research related to education with regards to curriculums for all stages (Schools and University-based) 
  •  Research related to sustainable health
  • Research relevant to the Nutrition & Dietetics Professionalism and Practice

Scientific interests

  • Scientific research, learning and teaching in topics related to the field of clinical nutrition & dietetics, public health, community nutrition, nutrition and media, international environmental health and related policies.
  • Teaching and educating in workshops that is related to health professional such asNutrition Intervention Strategy to Prevent Adolescent Obesity, Diabetes: Control & Management (DCM), Dyslipidaemia & Cardio Protective Diet (DCPD), Globesity: Challenges & Management (GCM), Management and Treatment of Hypertension (MTH)
  • Teaching and educating medical students, nursing students, students of medical applied college in courses and subjects related to nutrition management for diseases
  • Do community-based workshops for different groups that are related to nutritional problems and their prevention and treatment
  • Review and editing curriculums and scientific papers related to the field of nutrition, public health and environmental health
  • Present in local, regional and international conferences


2 &/Clinical Rotation in Medical Nutrition Therapy 445 CLN
Professional Skills in Dietetic 421 CLN
(1)Medical Nutrition Therapy 341 CLN
Nutritional Status Assessment 240 CLN
advanced topics in Nutrition & Dietetics 424 CLN
Graduation Project 499 CLN
دورة أكلينيكية في التغذية العلاجية الطبية 445 CLN
Economics & Nutrition 331 CLN
Health & Fitness 415 CLN
Medical Nutrition Therapy 342 CLN

Areas of expertise

The Head of the Clinical Nutrition Department at Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, KAU Previously responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the Clinical Nutrition Programme and for continuous improvement of its activities. This include holding the responsibility and accountability for the administration of the academic department and for leading its academic, research activities and community services. Additionally, the Chairperson for the National and International Academic Accreditation. These responsibilities encompass both the intra-and inter-departmental functions. The Chair of the Departmental Council Committee and member in some Departmental and Faculty Administrative and Teaching and Learning Committees. Moreover, responsible for directing the Dietetic Internship component of the combined Internship/BSc’s degree Program located in the KAU.
Assistant Professor Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences College, King Abdul-Aziz University Teaching in the Clinical Nutrition and related subject areas, Personal Development Portfolio Coordinator and Instructor for different Courses include Nutritional Status Assessment, Medical Nutrition Therapy (2 levels), Clinical Rotation in Medical Nutrition Therapy (2 levels), Metabolic & Genetic Nutritional Disorders and Student Research Project. Participating Instructor in courses include Professional Skills in Dietetics, Advanced Topics in Food Science & Nutrition nad Research Methods. Supervising Graduate Research Projects for groups of students. Member in Departmental-related Teaching and Learning Committees
The Head of the Nutrition Weight Control Clinic, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, KAU, Jeddah. SA Responsible for the management of the Combined Nutrition Clinic with the Physical Therapy Clinic under the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at KAU, which run by different faculty members/speciality. Other responsibilities in the Nutrition Clinic include: • A consultant General Dietitian • A consultant dietitian for adult obesity, malnutrition for children and adolescent (obesity, underweight and anaemia), children and adolescent eating disorders and other feeding problems such as autism and re-feeding syndrome • A consultant Media Dietitian • Train undergraduate students and dietetic interns • Conduct research in Nutrition & Dietetics
The Head of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation (NCAAA) for the Clinical Nutrition Department, Medical Applied College, KAU, Jeddah. SA • Chair the departmental Quality and Academic Accreditation Committee for national (NCAAA) and international (AHPGS) accreditations • Conduct surveys and prepare all documents and evidence according to the accreditation requirements with the help of other members in the Committee
Post-Doctoral Research Programme (June 2013 – August 2013) Department of Human and Health Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom Summer Research (PDSR) to develop Jeddah Obesity Prevention (JOP) research proposal for nutrition intervention in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Post-Doctoral Programme at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom Clinical placement on management of eating disorders
Research Associate at CIHD, ICH, UCL, London, UK Research Assistants/Associates. When I was doing my PhD Research at UCL, I volunteered to assist in carrying out or do some consultation in some particular research areas related to the Gulf Region or to the field of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Consulting Editor in the International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, Published in the United Kingdom - 2 issues per year A Consulting Editor in the International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, Published in the United Kingdom - 2 issues per year (Sep 2012- to present)
Lecturer in ‘Clinical Nutrition Programme, Medical Applied College, King Abdulaziz University’ Participated in establishing the Clinical Nutrition Programme, in teaching courses including Principles of Food Science & Nutrition, Nutrition during Life Cycle, Nutritional Status Assessment, Medical Nutrition Therapy, Nutritional Status Assessment and Medical Nutrition Therapy
Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Services & Food Services at KAUH • Supervise Food Services and Dietetics contractors; to ensure quality control and food safety standards, and launch new menus and various programmes to meet health and nutritional requirements; • Trains all dietary and food services staff on international basis
The main researcher of the international programme the "Smart Heart Challenge (SHC), Lowering your Cholesterol by Oats The main researcher of the international programme the "Smart Heart Challenge (SHC), Lowering your Cholesterol by Oats"/ 2003-2004 which was conducted at King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital Jeddah Is a community-based research. Was the first and the only research conducted in the Middle East to intervene those with high cholesterol with a high fibre food items (oats-based). The study included more than 100 participants. The Quicker Mother Company in the USA & UK sponsored the programme. Positive results obtained and announced in big event at KAU.
Chief of ‘Nutrition and Dietetics at KAUH Chief of ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’ from 1997-2006 (1417/1427). King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital (KAAUH)
Therapeutic Dietitian (Paediatric Dietitian) Therapeutic Dietitian (Paediatric Dietitian) and Dietetic supervisor KAAUH. Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 1989- 1997 (1409-1417)
Therapeutic Dietitian, Food and Nutrition Service, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1986-1989 (From 1406H-1409H). • Trained, supervised and evaluated dietetic interns in renal medical ward and long term nutritional care, planned emphasis on avoiding malnutrition in hospitalized patients at the KFSH & RC • Participated in Supervising Nutrition & Dietetics services at the East Wing of the KFSH & RC • Worked as a General Therapeutic Dietitian • Worked as a Paediatric Dietitian • Worked as a Renal Dietitian and was a member of the Nephrology Team, and was responsible for the dietary management of renal patients • Responsible for the dietary management of long term care patients and supervised dietary employees assigned to the long-term care units. • Rotated weekend duty with American, Canadian and British trained dieticians, having full responsibility for the therapeutic nutrition unit • Participated in medical rounds with physicians • Served on the medical supporting team for inpatient needs, discharge planning and outpatient needs. • Responsible for the nutritional care and dietary management of all hospitalized patients (emphasizing on paediatric and oncology patients).
Experience within Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at KAU I participated in establishing the programme. I headed the programme. I have been teaching in nutrition & dietetics areas. I have also been a personal academic advisor for some students. I coordinated and taught different courses. Supervised some students’ projects. Conducted some community services. I am a member of different Departmental Teaching and Learning committees.
Other Teaching Experience/ Non- Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences (FAMS), KAU A Facilitator in courses related to the International Forum for Public Health London (IFPH), UK Participation as an international facilitator for the International Forum for Public Health - IFPH training workshops. These courses tailored and aimed at training the trainers ( IFPH is a non-profit making organisation devoted to contribute to the promotion of public health internationally. This include: Nutrition Intervention Strategy to Prevent Adolescent Obesity, Diabetes: Control & Management (DCM), Dyslipidaemia & Cardio Protective Diet (DCPD), Globesity: Challenges & Management (GCM), Management and Treatment of Hypertension (MTH)
Vice Dean for Female Section Responsible for Female section at Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences students for 4 programs: Clinical Nutrition, Medical Technology, Diagnostic Radiology and physiotherapy
the Vice-dean of Female Section at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences hold the responsibility for female students for four programmes: Medical Laboratory Technology, Physical Therapy, Diagnostic Radiology and Clinical Nutrition.
a Consultant in Clinical Nutrition a Consultant in Clinical Nutrition (Accredit by SCFHS
KAUST • Been selected to be part of the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia as one of the “Top National Talent Network, which is an exclusive registry of leading professionals in Saudi Arabia”.
an Editorial Board member for EC Nutrition (one of the E-Cronicon (EC) online journals) an Editorial Board member for EC Nutrition (one of the E-Cronicon (EC) online journals)
The Vice Dean for Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences_Female Section