Personal Information

 Teaching Assistant

Department of  Pharmaceuticals

Faculty of Pharmacy

Contact Information

Phone: 0126400000 Ext. 24060


Abrar Hesham Hakami

 Teaching Assistant


I joined the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics department in 2012 as a Teaching Assistant. I have been responsible for undergraduate Pharmaceutics labs and I supervised undergraduate student's projects.

On 2015, I had a scholarship to the USA to continue my postgraduate studies in pharmaceutical sciences. On May 2018, I obtained my master’s degree in Pharmaceutics from University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. My research work during my master was mainly on studying the activity of microencapsulated enzymes via HPLC method.


  • 2011

    Bachelor degree from Clinical PharmacyFaculty of Pharmacy, king Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SA, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2018

    Master degree from Pharmaceutical sciencesCollege of Pharmacy, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, USA, فيلادلفيا, امــريــكـا


Research Interests

Novel drug delivery systems

Scientific interests


Areas of expertise