Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Mathematics

Arts - Rabigh & College of Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 6950000 Ext. 21276


Dilshad Adel Alghazzawi

 Associate Professor



  • 2004

    Bachelor degree from MathematicsSciences, King Abdul Aziz University , جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2009

    Master degree from MathematicsSciences, King Abdul Aziz University , جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2018

    Doctorate degree from Mathematics Jean Perrin, Artois University, لونز, فـرنـــــسا

  • 2019

    Master degree from International Business Management MBA, INSEEC, باريس, فـرنـــــسا


  • 2004-2004

    Mathematics Teacher, DAR AlHUDA SCHOoL, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2004-2005

    TEACHER, Al-Mostaqbal School , جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2009-2011

    COLLABORATOR, Um al Quraa University , مكة المكرمة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2012-2019

    Lecturer, King Abdulaziz University, رابغ, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2019-2023

    Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University, رابغ, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2023-حاليا

    Associate Professor , King AbdulAziz University, رابغ, المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

  • Rings Theory.
  • Non-commutative rings and thier applictions.
  • Topics related to zero divisors,
  • The sets of elements close to zero divisors and their applications in the structure of rings and modules
  • Fuzzy Subgroups
  • Fuzzy subrings
  • Fuzzy subfield

Scientific interests

  1. Organizing, experiments, and professional trips for the group of scientific promotions,Jeddah, 2020
  2.  E-learning what’s next, Jeddah, 2020
  3.  Performance indicators and quality assurance of educationJeddah, 2020
  4.  Scale Up Management, Jeddah, 2020
  5.  Risk Management, Jeddah, 2020
  6.  Exploring the future of e-learning in universities with the success of the Kingdom's experience, prospects for its development, and its economic importanceJeddah, 2020
  7.  Academic Harvest and Documentation in the Course and Program Report, Jeddah 2020
  8.  Guidelines for Developing Effective Multiple – Choice Test Items, Jeddah 2020
  9.  Noncommutative rings and their applications VI, France 2019.(Attend)
  10.  Seminar algebra, France 2018. (Attend)
  11.  The Second International Conference on Groups, Group Rings and Related Topics, UAE 2017. (participation)
  12.  Noncommutative rings and their applications V, France 2017. (Attend)
  13.  Seminar algebra, France 2016.(participation)
  14.  The 10th Doctoral Students' Day in Mathematics of the Nord / Pas-de-Calais region, France 2016. (Attend)
  15.  NonCommutative Rings and their Applications, IV, France 2015. (Attend)
  16.   Seminar “Algebraic encounters: differential rings, permutation groups and cohomology ", Belgium,2014. (Attend)


(Abstract Algebra (II 343 MATH
Abstract Algebra 641 MATH
Ring Theory 643 MATH
Topics in Algebra 445 MATH
Mathematics for theoretical disciplines 111 MATH
Research 482 MATH
(Abstract Algebra (I 342 MATH
Selected topics 691 MATH
Seminar 692 MATH
General mathematics 110 RSMA
General Mathematics for Administrative track 100 RSMA

Areas of expertise

Teaching math
Teaching an abstract course for graduate studies
Teaching an Abstract Algebra course for graduate studies
Teaching abstract algebra course for Bachelor
Teaching MATH 111
Teaching Rings Theory course for graduate studies
Teaching Topics on Algebra course for graduate studies