Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering Rabigh Branch

Contact Information

Phone: 10010 Ext. 10010


Alaa Attar

 Associate Professor


Alaa Attar
Dean | Faculty of Engineering at Rabigh
Associate Professor | Department of Mechanical Engineering 
King AbdulAziz University
Rabigh, Saudi Arabia 



  • 2010

    Master degree from Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Collage of Engineering and Applied Science , Western Michigan University, Kalamazo, امــريــكـا

  • 2015

    Doctorate degree from Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Engineering and Applied Science , Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, امــريــكـا


  • 2008-2015

    Lab Assistant , Western Michigan University , Kalamazoo, امــريــكـا

Research Interests

  • Optimal Design of Thermoelectric Generators and Coolers systems
  • Applications of thermoelectric systems
    • Solar Thermoelectric Generators
    • Automotive Thermoelectric Air Conditioners
    • Miniature Thermoelectric Modules
    • Automotive Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery

Scientific interests


Heat Transfer 362 MEN

Areas of expertise

Design of Thermoelectric Systems
Internal Combustion Engine
Design of Heat Exchanger