Personal Information

 Assistant Professor

Department of  Laboratory Technology

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 0500886244


Fadi Mohammad Abdulaziz Baakdah

 Assistant Professor



  • 2020

    Doctorate degree from The Institute of ParasitologyThe Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, McGill University, مونتريال, كـــــــندا


  • 2007-2008

    Intern, King Abdulaziz medical city for the National Guard Hospital, جده, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2008-2020

    Demonstrator, King AbdulAziz University, جده, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2021-حاليا

    Assistant professor, King AbdulAziz University, جده, المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests


Parasites that survive chemotherapy are a considerable threat to the world. With resistance on the rise, our arsenal of anti-parasitic drugs may become useless if parasite resistance continues in its progress. Research has shown that some parasites take a significant amount of time to resist the toxic effects of effective drugs. However, their survival may have come through a parasite fitness cost. Drug resistance in parasites is a complex process involving a network of proteins and many other factors. Malaria is a disease taking the lives of millions of people annually. Plasmodium falciparum, the lethal malaria-causing parasite species, has many drug-resistant mutants that negatively affect current control programs.  

My research focuses on:

1-Identifying the network of proteins involved in malaria drug resistance.
2-Finding out the physiological role of proteins involved in drug resistance mechanisms.
3-Developing tools that could be used for screening and distinguishing mutants.
4-Screening for potential novel drug targets.



Scientific interests


Parasitology I MLT 351
Advanced Parasitology MLT 627
Student research project MLT 493
Clinical course Parasitology and urine analysis MLT 423

Areas of expertise

2019 3D printing & microfluidics for bioengineering