Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Foreign Languages and Literature

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Contact Information

Phone: 6952079 Ext. 72533


Ashraf Saeed Shawli

 Associate Professor


Name: Ashraf Saeed Ibrahim SHAWLI

Birth Date: 12 / 1977

Birth Place: Mecca

Academic Qualifications:

2009: PhD with honor in linguistics majoring in sociolinguistics from the University of Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens, France, dated 6th July 2009. Thesis Title: Private Written Chat for Saudis (Arabic and French) from the perspective of Sociolinguistics :

SHAWLI, A., (2009), Le Tchat privé des Saoudiens (arabe et français) : approche sociolinguistique, Thèse de doctorat en trios volumes, Université de Picardie Jules-Verne, Amiens.

An abstract of Thesis has been published in the scientific journal "Cahier de Linguistique" :

SHAWLI, A., (2010), " Le Tchat privé des Saoudiens (arabe et français) : approche sociolinguistique ", Thèse de doctorat, in Pierozak, I., Du « terrain » à la relation : expériences de l'internet et questionnements méthodologiques, Paris, EME – Cahier de Linguistique, ? 36/2, pp. 85 – 96.

2005: Master's degree in linguistics, Logic and Informatics from Blaise Pascal University - Clermont-Ferrand 2, France, dated 14th September 2005. Thesis Title: The written language of the French written chat for Saudis :

SHAWLI, A., (2005), La langue du Chat français chez les Saoudiens, Mémoire de D.E.A en deux volumes, Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont II).

2001: Diploma of Advanced studies in French Language (D.A.L.F) – Saudi-French Center (Jeddah).

1999: Bachelor in French language with excellent grade from King Abdul-Aziz University – Jeddah.

1999: Diploma in French Language Studies (D.E.L.F) – Saudi-French Center (Jeddah).


Published Researches:

Shawli Ashraf, (2013), « Le rôle de la dichotomie pseudonyme/avatar dans la construction identico-communicative : cas des sites saoudiens du Tchat », dans revue ¿ Interrogations ? , Partie thématique [en ligne] (consulté le 1er février 2013)

SHAWLI, Ashraf., (2013), "Les obstacles des recherches scientifiques sur le Tchat en Arabie Saoudite : problèmes et solutions", Journal of Faculty of Arts, no 30, pp 17 - 38, University of Al Khartoum.

Researches accepted to be published:


SHAWLI, A., (2013 à paraître), "l'expressivité dans les SMS en Arabie Saoudite : de l'imagination à la créativité", Université de Lorraine.

SHAWLI, A., (2013 à paraître), "Les actes de politesse entre la culture saoudienne et la cyberculture : cas du Tchat saoudien", JJMLL.


Job Experiences (Academic):

2014 - until now : Associate Professor, Department of European Languages (French section) at Faculty of Arts and Humanities in King Abdul-Aziz University - Jeddah.
2009 – 2014: Assistant Professor, Department of European Languages (French section) at Faculty of Arts and Humanities in King Abdul-Aziz University – Jeddah.

2001 – 2003: Teaching Assistant at the department of European Languages (French section) in King Abdul-Aziz University – Jeddah.


Job Experiences (Administrative):

2012-2013: Head of the Graduate Studies and Bachelors Unit, Center for Teaching and Learning Development.

2011: Official Translator (French/ Arabic – Arabic/ French) in the closing ceremony of Ministry of Culture and Information for honoring delegations in the Pilgrimage of 1432 H.

2011: University Representative to France for supervising scholarship students of the French Section in its two divisions.

2009: Supervisor of scholarship affairs in the department of European Languages at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (King Abdul-Aziz University – Jeddah) in its two sections (English and French).


Job Experiences (Local Membership):

2013: A member of the committee monitoring provinces exams for the second semester 1433/ 1434 H (Abha Province).

2011: A member of the committee monitoring provinces exams in the first experience of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for specialized subjects in the first semester 1432/ 1433 H (Abha Province).

2011: A member of the Scholarship Evaluation Committee of the French Section bachelor students.

2010: A member of The Hotel Management and Tourism Course Working Committee in French language.

2010: A member of the committee in charge of preparing French language subject for Tourism Institute in King Abdul-Aziz University.

2010: A member of the Advertising Committee for French Section.


Job Experiences (International Membership):

2012: A member of (AUF) - Agence universitaire de la francophonie (Montréal/ Paris).

2005 – 2009: A member of the Laboratory of Sociolinguistics studies on languages communication and linguistic policies (LESCLaP) in the University of Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens, France.

2006: A member of the organizing body of the fifth international conference for the French network of Sociolinguistics (7th October 2006) (France).



2011: "Creative Thinking Skills" course, on 11-12 December 2011, at Center for Teaching and Learning Development in King Abdul-Aziz University (Jeddah) – Dr. Fared El-Khatib.

2011: A course in statistical analysis program (SPSS), on 20-21 November 2011, at Center for Teaching and Learning Development in King Abdul-Aziz University (Jeddah) – Dr. Ezz Abdulfatah.

2011: "Strategic Leader" course, on 31 October – 1 November 2011, at Ezdhar Center for Training and Consultations (Jeddah) – Dr. Suliman El-Ali.

2011: "Basis of preparing supported researches and Research skills" course, on 23-24 October 2011, at Center for Teaching and Learning Development in King Abdul-Aziz University (Jeddah) – Dr. Mohammed El-Banna.

2007: A course in writing and publishing scientific papers in order to getting promoted in the Academic path (France).

2003: A course in learning French for non-native speakers at CAVILAM Institute in Vichy (France).

1998: A scholarship from the French government to study French language at (CIEL Institute) in Brest (France).



2008: Internet Addiction, 13 November 2008, A conference organized by CRIJ in Amiens, France.

2004: Automatic Processing of modern forms of written communication (E-mail, Forums, Chat, SMS, .etc), on 5 June 2004. A conference organized by ATALA in Paris, France.



2012: A scientific paper (to be published) entitled "Expressionism of SMS Text Messaging in Saudi Arabia: from Imagination into Innovation". An Introduction in an international conference entitled "Arabic Language in 20th Century: Breakdowns and Resistances", organized by Lorraine University (Nancy 2), dated on 27-28 September 2012 in Nancy, France.   

 2009: A scientific paper entitled "Elements to consider on socio-linguistic functions of Saudis private chat in both French and Arabic languages", introduced in a work shop entitled "From one electronic amid into another" organized by LESCLaP, dated on 12 June 2009, in Amiens, France.

2009: A scientific paper entitled "Local Dialects in Saudi Arabia", introduced in a work shop entitled "Arabic Dialects: Multi-dimensional social practices", organized by LESCLaP, dated on 23 January 2009 in Amiens, France.


Research Interests:

-          Sociolinguistics.

-          Interactivity and Verbal and Non-verbal communication.

-          Chat

-          Colloquial languages.

-          Cultural Linguistic interference.

-          Internet communication.


Background Information:

2007: A course in the modern technologies of information and communication from the University of Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens, France.

2002: A course in how to make a personal website on the internet from King Abdul-Aziz University – Dr. Amjad Hajar, Jeddah.

Computer Skills: Word processing and spreadsheets: Word, Excel, Access, Front Page, and PowerPoint.



-          Arabic (standard, and colloquial)

-          French.

-          English.


Subjects :

-          The practical acquiring of language (2) LANF 314.

-          Practical French LANF 315.

-          Oriented Reading LANF 323.

-          Summary LANF 324.

-          Advanced Rules LANF 343.

-          Introduction to Translation LANF 471.

-          Research Methodology LANF 353.

-          Practical Training LANF 383.



Interests :


-          Music.

-          Sports.

-          Travel.



Research Interests

- La sociolinguistique.
- Les interactions verbales et non-verbales.
- Le Tchat.
- Les dialectes.
- Le contact sociolinguistique.
- L'Internet.

Scientific interests


French Language 221 LANF
French Language 314 LANF

Areas of expertise