المعلومات الشخصية

أستاذ مشارك

قسم قسم الهندسة الكيميائية وهندسة المواد

كلية الهندسة برابغ

وسائل التواصل

هاتف: 0540305504

بريد الكتروني: inabi@kau.edu.sa

امتياز علي غلام نابي

أستاذ مشارك

نبذة عامة

Dr. Imtiaz is working as Associate Professor in the Chemical and Materials Engineering Department at FER-KAU. Besides, his academic responsibilities, he is serving as ABET Coordinator for Chemical Engineering program. He has established an AIChE-KAU-Rabigh-student-chapter (https://www.aiche.org/community/students/chapters/king-abdulaziz-university-rabigh-student-chapter).

Collaborations, topics and sources

The following cord diagram shows collaboration of Dr. Imtiaz with authors from other countries.


Main collaborators, key research topics and the journals are shown in the following Sankey diagram.

Editorial Services

Guest Editor - Advances in Sustainable Energy from Biomass and Waste in “Energies”, 2023.
Guest Editor - Comprehensive Utilization and Technology of Biomass in “Energies”, 2022.
Topic Editor - Integrated Waste Biorefineries: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in “Frontiers in Energy Research”, 2022.
Guest Editor - Sustainable energy conversion technologies of non-lignocellulosic organic wastes to future Biorefineries in “Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery”, 2021.
Review Editor in “Frontiers in Energy Research”, 2019 – Present.


الشهادات العلمية

  • 2012

    درجة الدكتوراة من LGP2Pagora, جامعة غرينوبل, غرونوبل, فـرنـــــسا

الخبرات السابقة

  • 2019-حاليا

    أستاذ مشارك, كلية الهندسة برابغ - جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, رابغ, المملكة العربية السعودية

الاهتمامات البحثية

My current research interests include, but are not limited to, the efficient use of waste biomass in composites, biomass as a source of renewable energy and a precursor to valuable bio-chemicals with the focus to reduce environmental impact. Often considered wastes, these materials contain large amounts of unharnessed renewable energy and nutrients. Over the past few decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of biofuels and high-value bio-chemicals derived from bio-resources. Biomass is a renewable carbonaceous bio-resource; an alternative to fossil fuel to produce biofuel and bio-chemicals. Non-food biomasses are abundantly available in nature and cultivated approximately around 100 billion tons annually. Biofuels are expected to supply 10% of the world's energy by 2035 whereas they have the potential to replace 27% of global transportation fuel by 2050. The main reason for the growing interest in the use of biomass besides its renewable nature is due to its carbon-neutral and less polluting characteristics. Paris climate agreement requires clean energy transformation to reach net zero emissions by 2060, which can be achieved only by scaling-up efficient energy conversion systems to generate bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). Biomass conversion can be achieved either through biochemical or thermochemical processes. Biochemical processes find it hard to digest lignin which is the main constituent of widely available lignocellulosic biomasses. Pyrolysis, torrefaction, liquefaction, gasification, combustion, etc. are different types of thermochemical processes. A techno-economic analysis shows an economic advantage of pyrolysis over biochemical and gasification processes. In pyrolysis, the material is subjected to thermal degradation in the absence of air. Resulting in condensable and non-condensable gases, biochar and ash. Pyrolysis is a promising process to convert biomass where the distribution of the product depends greatly on the conditions used. It has been reported that slow pyrolysis yields more biochar whereas fast pyrolysis produces more volatiles. Extensive development in the pyrolysis process is going on recently and a growing interest in its use has been seen because of its simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency. Biochar; a product of pyrolysis, besides volatiles finds potential application in agriculture and environmental sectors. 
An overlay of my published research on Web-of-Science (WoS) categories shows the areas of focus
Web-of-Science Overlay
The word-cloud of my published work is shown below, the size of the text correspond to the frequency

My current research and recently published work focus on the role of the components in the overall kinetics of the thermochemical conversion process. Both aquatic and terrestrial biomasses have great potential to become future fuels. I intend to continue my research in the domain of biomass conversion and to develop predictive models to help optimize the conversion process so that these diverse precursors can be utilized efficiently. I have developed a unique skill set and believe that the union of acquired techniques, knowledge, and skills from a range of disciplines is necessary to address the challenges posed by the depleting resources of traditional precursors and environmental pollution. 


  1. I. Ali, R.C. Seyfeli, M. H. Tahir, and S. Ceylan, Pyrolytic Conversion of Waste Hemp: Kinetics, Product Characterization, and Boosted Regression Tree Modeling, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2023.
  2. M. Hussain, O. Ali, N. Raza, H. Zabiri, A. Ahmed, and I. Ali, Recent advances in dynamic modeling and control studies of biomass gasification for production of hydrogen rich syngas, RSC Advances, 13, 23796–23811, 2023.
  3. R. Kanthasamy, E. Almatrafi, I. Ali, H.H. Sait, M. Zwawi, F. Abnisa, L.C. Peng, and B.V. Ayodele, Biochar production from valorization of agricultural Wastes: Data-Driven modelling using Machine learning algorithms, Fuel, 351, 128948, 2023.
  4. R. Kanthasamy, E. Almatrafi, I. Ali, H.H. Sait, M. Zwawi, F. Abnisa, L.C. Peng, and B.V. Ayodele, Bayesian optimized multilayer perceptron neural network modelling of biochar and syngas production from pyrolysis of biomass-derived wastes, Fuel, 350, 128832, 2023.
  5. M.H. Tahir, I. Ali, E.Y. Kaya, and S. Ceylan, Thermal conversion of waste furniture board under pyrolytic conditions: Kinetic analysis and product characterization, Fuel, 348, 128638, 2023.
  6. A.A. Zaidi, A. Khan, H. AlMohamadi, M.W. Anjum, I. Ali, S.R. Naqvi, S. Kokuryo, K. Miyake, and N. Nishiyama, Catalytic pyrolysis of rice husk over defect-rich beta zeolites for biofuel production, Fuel, 348, 128624, 2023.
  7. R. Kanthasamy, I. Ali, B.V. Ayodele, and H.A. Maddah, Bio-hydrogen production from the photocatalytic conversion of wastewater: Parametric analysis and data-driven modelling using nonlinear autoregressive with exogeneous input and back-propagated multilayer perceptron neural networks, Fuel, 344, 128026, 2023.
  8. A. Khan, I. Ali, S.R. Naqvi, H. AlMohamadi, M. Shahbaz, A.M. Ali, and K. Shahzad, Assessment of thermokinetic behaviour of tannery sludge in slow pyrolysis process through artificial neural network, Chemosphere, 337, 139226, 2023.
  9. A. Asghar, C.G. Liu, I. Ali, A.Z. Khan, H. Zhu, N. Wang, M. Nawaz, T.A. Tabish, M. A. Mehmood, and R.T. Rasool, Bioenergy potential of Saccharum bengalense through pyrolysis, reaction kinetics, TG-FTIR-GCMS analysis of pyrolysis products, and validation of the pyrolysis data through machine learning, Chemical Engineering Journal, 465, 142930, 2023.
  10. J. Ahmad, M. Awais, U. Rashid, C. Ngamcharussrivichai, S.R. Naqvi, and I. Ali, A systematic and critical review on effective utilization of artificial intelligence for bio-diesel production techniques, Fuel, 338, 127379, 2023.
  11. A.A. Khan, S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, M. Arshad, H. AlMohamadi, and U. Sikandar, Algal-derived biochar as an efficient adsorbent for removal of Cr (VI) in textile industry wastewater: Non-linear isotherm, kinetics and ANN studies, Chemosphere, 316, 137826, 2023.
  12. S.R. Naqvi, A.H. Khoja, I. Ali, M. Naqvi, T. Noor, A. Ahmad, R. Luque, and N.A.S. Amin, Recent progress in catalytic deoxygenation of biomass pyrolysis oil using microporous zeolites for green fuels production, Fuel, 333(1), 126268, 2023.
  13. P. Danesh, P. Niaparast, P. Ghorbannezhad, and I. Ali, Biochar Production: Recent Developments, Applications, and challenges, Fuel, 126889, 2022.
  14. A. Khan, I. Ali, W. Farooq, S.R. Naqvi, M.T. Mehran, A. Shahid, R. Liaquat, M.W. Anjum, and M. Naqvi, Investigation of combustion performance of tannery sewage sludge using thermokinetic analysis and prediction by artificial neural network, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 40, 102586, 2022. 
  15. P. Ghorbannezhad, B. Dehbandi, and I. Ali, Enhancement of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid extractions into bio-plastic production from renewable sources, Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment, 2022.
  16. A. Waheed, S.R. Naqvi, and I. Ali, Co-torrefaction progress on biomass residue/waste taken for high-value biosolid products, Energies, 15(21), 8297, 2022.
  17. U. Ahmad, S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, M. Naqvi, S. Asif, A. Bokhari, D. Juchelková, and J.J. Klemeš, A review on properties, challenges and commercial aspects of eco-friendly biolubricants productions, Chemosphere, 309(1), 136622, 2022.
  18. M.U.B. Khawer, S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, M. Arshad, D. Juchelková, M.W. Anjum, and M. Naqvi, Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge for biogas & biohydrogen production: state-of-the-art trends and prospects, Fuel, 329, 125416, 2022.
  19. A. Altriki, I. Ali, S.A. Razzak, I. Ahmad, and  W. Farooq, Assessment of microalgae Gonium pectorale for its CO2 biofixation potential, energy contents and biomass pyrolysis kinetics using kinetics modeling and artificial neutral network, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 925391, 2022.
  20. A.A. Khan, J. Gul, S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, W. Farooq, R. Liaqat, H. AlMohamadi, L. Št?panec, and D. Juchelková, Recent progress in microalgae-derived biochar for the treatment of textile industry wastewater, Chemosphere, 135565, 2022. 
  21. Z. Liu, A. Asghar, C. Hou, I. Ali, S.R. Naqvi, N. Wang, H. Zhu, M.A. Mehmood, and C.G. Liu, Co-pyrolysis of the Chinese liquor industry waste and bamboo waste, elucidation of the pyrolysis reaction chemistry, and TG-FTIR-MS based study of the evolved gases, Fuel, 326, 124976, 2022.
  22. H.H. Sait, Hussain, M. Bassyouni, I. Ali, R. Kanthasamy, B.V. Ayodele and Y. Elhenawy, Anionic dyes removal using microbead date palm seed-derived activated, Polymers, 14(12), 2503, 2022.
  23. H. Gohar, A.H. Khoja, A.A. Ansari, R. Liaquat, S.R. Naqvi, M. Hassan, K. Hasni, U.Y. Qazi, and I. Ali, Investigating the characterization, kinetic mechanism, and thermodynamic behaviour of coal-biomass blends in co-pyrolysis process, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,163, 645-658, 2022. 
  24. U. Ahmad, S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, F. Saleem, M.T. Mehran, U. Sikandar, D. Juchelková, Biolubricant production from castor oil using iron oxide nanoparticles as an additive: Experimental, modelling and tribological assessment, Fuel, 324(A), 124565, 2022.
  25. H.H. Sait, Hussain, M. Bassyouni, I. Ali, R. Kanthasamy, B.V. Ayodele, and Y. Elhenawy, Hydrogen-Rich Syngas and Biochar Production by Non-Catalytic Valorization of Date Palm Seeds, Energies, 15(8), 2727, 2022.
  26. P. Ghorbannezhad, G. Shen, and I. Ali, Microwave-assisted hot water treatment of sugarcane bagasse for fast pyrolysis, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2022.
  27. S.R. Naqvi, S.A.A. Taqvi, A. Khoja, I. Ali, M.T. Mehran, W. Farooq, N. Tippayawong, D. Juchelkova, and A. Atabani, Valorization of Wet Oily Petrochemical Sludge via Slow Pyrolysis: Thermo-Kinetics Assessment and Artificial Neural Network Modelling, Frontiers in Energy Research, 9, 782139, 2022.
  28. A. Hai, G. Bharath, I. Ali, M. Daud, I. Othman, K. Rambabua, M.A. Haija, S.W. Hasan, and F. Banat, Pyrolysis of Date Seeds Loaded with Layered Double Hydroxide: Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Pyrolytic Gas Properties, Energy Conversion and Management, 252, 115127, 2022.
  29. M.A. Khan, S.R. Naqvi, S.A.A. Taqvi, M. Shahbaz, I. Ali, M.T. Mehran, A.H. Khoja, and D. Juchelková, Air gasification of high-ash sewage sludge for hydrogen production: experimental, sensitivity and predictive analysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,, 2022.
  30. A.E. Atabani, I. Ali, S.R. Naqvi, I.A. Badruddin, M. Aslam, E. Mahmoud, F. Almomani, D. Juchelková, M.R. Atelge, and T.M.Y. Khan, A state-of-the-art review on spent coffee ground (SCG) pyrolysis for future biorefinery, Chemosphere, 286 (2), 131730, 2022.
  31. M. Hussain, H. Zabiri, L.D. Tufa, S. Yusup, and I. Ali, A Kinetic Study and Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Palm Kernel Shell Using Model-fitting and Model-free Methods, Biofuels, 13(1), 105-116, 2022.
  32. W. Farooq, I. Ali, S.R. Naqvi, M. Sajid, H.A. Khan, and S. Adamu, Evolved gas analysis and kinetics of catalytic and non-catalytic pyrolysis of microalgae Chlorella sp. biomass with Ni/θ-Al2O3 catalyst via thermogravimetric analysis, Frontiers in Energy Research, 9, 775037, 2021.
  33. Ayesha, M. Bilal, N. Rasool, S.G. Khan, U. Rashid, H. Altaf, and I. Ali, Synthesis of Indoles via Intermolecular and Intramolecular Cyclization by Using Palladium-Based, Catalysts, 11 (9), 1018,  2021.
  34. A. Hai, G. Bharath, M. Daud, K. Rambabu, I. Ali, S.W. Hasan, P.L. Show, and F. Banat, Valorization of groundnut shell via pyrolysis: Product distribution, thermodynamic analysis, kinetic estimation, and artificial neural network modeling, Chemosphere, 283, 131162, 2021.
  35. S.A. Khan, I. Ali, S.R. Naqvi, K. Li, M.T. Mehran, A.H. Khoja, A.A. Alarabi, and A.E. Atabani, Investigation of slow pyrolysis mechanism and kinetic modeling of Scenedesmus quadricauda biomass, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 158, 105149, 2021.
  36. W.H. Chen, W. Farooq, M. Shahbaz, S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, T. Al-Ansari, and N.A.S. Amin, Current status of biohydrogen production from lignocellulosic biomass, technical challenges and commercial potential through pyrolysis process, Energy, 226, 120433, 2021.
  37. I. Ali, R. Tariq, S.R. Naqvi, A.H. Khoja, M.T. Mehran, M. Naqvi, and N. Gao, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analyses of Dried Oily Sludge, Journal of the Energy Institute, 95, 30-40, 2021.
  38. M.A. Khan, D. Pattnaik, R. Ashraf, I. Ali, S. Kumar and N. Donthu, Value of Special issues in the Journal of Business Research: A Bibliometric Analysis, Journal of Business Research, 125, 295-313, 2021. 
  39. K.A.A. Alshareef, and I. Ali, Pyrolytic conversion of halophyte (Tetraena coccinea), Bioresource Technology Report, 12, 7, 100577, 2020.
  40. Z. Hameed, S.R. Naqvi, M. Naqvi, I. Ali., S.A.A. Taqvi, N. Gao, S.A. Hussain, and S. Hussain, Comprehensive Review on Thermal Coconversion of Biomass, Sludge, Coal, and Their Blends Using Thermogravimetric Analysis, Journal of Chemistry, 5024369, 2020.
  41. M.A. Khan, I. Ali, R. Ashraf, A Bibliometric Review of the Special Issues of Psychology & Marketing: 1984-2020, Psychology & Marketing, 37, 9, 1144-1170, 2020.
  42. S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, S. Nisar, S.A. Taqvi, A.E. Atabani, and W.H. Chen, Assessment of agro-industrial residues for bioenergy potential by investigating thermo-kinetic behavior in a slow pyrolysis process, Fuel, 278, 118259, 2020.
  43. I. Ali, and A. Bahadar, Thermogravimetric characteristics and non-isothermal kinetics of macro-algae with an emphasis on the possible partial gasification at higher temperature, Frontiers in Energy Research, 7, 7, 2019.
  44. S.R. Naqvi, Z. Hameed, R. Tariq, S.A. Taqvi, I. Ali, M.B.K. Niazi, T. Noor, A. Hussain, N. Iqbal , and M. Shahbaz, Synergistic effect on co-pyrolysis of rice husk and sewage sludge by thermal behavior, kinetics, thermodynamic parameters and artificial neural network, Waste Management, 85, 131-140, 2019.
  45. S.R. Naqvi, R. Tariq, Z. Hameed, I. Ali, M. Naqvi, W.H. Chen, S. Ceylan, H. Rashid, J. Ahmad, S.A. Taqvi, and M. Shahbaz, Pyrolysis of high ash sewage sludge: kinetics and thermodynamic analysis using Coats-Redfern method, Renewable Energy, 131, 854-860, 2019.
  46. Z. Hameed, Z. Aman, S.R. Naqvi, R. Tariq, I. Ali, and A.A. Makki, Kinetic and thermodynamic analyses of sugarcane bagasse and sewage sludge co-pyrolysis process, Energy & Fuels, 32, 9, 9551-9558, 2018.
  47. S.R. Naqvi, R. Tariq, Z. Hameed, I. Ali, S.A. Taqvi, M. Naqvi, M.B.K. Niazi, T. Noor, and W. Farooq, Pyrolysis of high-ash sewage sludge: thermo-kinetic study using TGA and artificial neural networks, Fuel, 233, 529-538, 2018.
  48. I. Ali, Misuse of pre-exponential factor in the kinetic and thermodynamic studies using thermogravimetric analysis and its implications. Bioreource Technology Report, 2, 88-91, 2018. 
  49. I. Ali, Comments on ‘Evaluating the Bioenergy Potential of Chinese Liquor-Industry Waste through Pyrolysis, Thermogravimetric, Kinetics and Evolved Gas Analyses’ by Ye et Al. [Energy Convers. Manage. 163 (2018) 13–21], Energy Conversion and Management, 165, 869-870, 2018.
  50. I. Ali, O.A. Bamaga, L. Gzara, M. Bassyouni, M.H. Abdel-Aziz, M.F. Soliman, E. Drioli, and M. Albeirutty, Assessment of Blend PVDF Membranes, and the Effect of Polymer Concentration and Blend Composition, Membranes, 8(1), 13, 2018.
  51. I.Ali, S.R. Naqvi, and A. Bahadar, Kinetic analysis of Brotyococcus braunii pyrolysis using model-free and model fitting methods, Fuel, 214, 369-380, 2018.
  52. M. Bassyouni, I. Ali, and S.M.S Abdel-hamid, Study of thermo-kinetics properties of graphite-micro-platelet enriched vinyl ester composites, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 131, 2, 1055-1065, 2018.
  53. I. Ali, H. Bahaitham, and R. Naebulharam, A comprehensive kinetics study of coconut shell waste pyrolysis, Bioresource Technology, 235, 1-11, 2017.
  54. M.F. Soliman, M.H. Abdel-Aziz, O.A. Bamaga, L. Gzara, S.F. Al-Sharif, M. Bassyouni, Z.A. Rehan, E. Drioli, M. Albeirutty, I. Ahmed, and I. Ali, Performance evaluation of blended PVDF membranes for desalination of seawater RO brine using direct contact membrane distillation, Desalination and water treatment, 63, 6-14, 2017.
  55. I. Ali, and A. Bahadar, Red Sea seaweed (Sargassum spp.) pyrolysis and its devolatilization kinetics, Algal Research, 21, 89-97, 2017.
  56. I. Ali, S. urRehman, S.H. Ali, and A. Javaid, The effect of borax-modified starch on wheat straw-based paper properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 128, 6, 3672-3677, 2013.
  57. J.F. Bloch, I. Ali, R. Passas, and S. Rolland du Roscoat, Papers as functional green materials, Multi-Functional Materials and Structures IV. Advanced Materials Research, 747, 715-718, 2013.


  1. T.T. Kumaar, R. Redrouthu, R. Kanthasamy, I. Ali, B.V. Ayodele, D-V.N. Vo, and K.V. Palani, Thermophysical properties and molecular interactions of fuel oxygenate mixture at different temperatures via Jouyban–Acree model, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2682(1), 050012, 2023. 
  2. S.R. Naqvi, I. Ali, and A.E. Atabani, Solid Waste Landfilling/Dumping for a Cleaner Management: A Case Study of Scientometric Analysis of Last 20 Years and Prospects, Science Proceedings Series, 3(1), 86-91, 2021.
  3. I. Ali, H Bahaitham, M. Saleem, A. Salam, R. Naebulharam, A.S. Nizami, M. Rehan, Linear versus Non-linear Adsorption Kinetics of Methylene Blue on Raw and Chemically Activated Sawdust, HERAKLION 2019, 7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Crete, Greece, June 2019.
  4. A. Alharthi, and I. Ali, Plant Design for the Conversion of 2 ton/hr Date Palm Waste into Syn Gas, In The 1st World Conference on By-Products of Palm Trees and their Applications (ByPalma), Aswan, Egypt, December 2018.
  5. M. Saleem, and I. Ali, Machine learning based prediction of pyrolytic conversion for Red Sea seaweed, In 7th International Conference on Biological, Chemical & Environmental Sciences (BCES-2017), Budapest, Hungary, September 2017.
  6. I. Ali, H. Bahaitham, R. Naebulharam, Pyrolytic kinetics of coconut shell waste using Ramped PyrOx, In 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Bologna, Italy, July 2017.
  7. J.F. Bloch, I. Ali, R. Passas, and S. Rolland du Roscoat, Papers as functional green materials, In The 4th International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures (MFMS 2013), Bangkok Thailand, July 2013.
  8. I. Ali, R. Passas, and J.F. Bloch, Evolution of the fibre cell wall properties during drying and rewetting cycles, In FP 1105 COST Action Stockholm Meeting, Understanding wood cell wall structure, biopolymer interaction and composition: implications for current products and new materials, Stockholm, Sweden, December 2012.
  9. I. Ali, R. Passas, and J.F. Bloch, Effect of recycling on fibre wall of bleached softwood kraft pulp, In International Symposium on Paradigms for Pulp and Paper Industry in XXI Century: Opportunities afor a Sustainable Future, page SPP-61, Seville, Spain, June 2012.
  10. I. Ali, R. Passas, and J.F. Bloch, Effect of recycling on fibre morphology, In Progress in Paper Physics Seminar 2011 Conference Proceedings, page 263, Graz, Austria, September 2011.

الاهتمامات العلمية

Teaching is my passion. Career as a lecturer-cum-researcher gives me the freedom to educate young minds as well as pursue my own research. It is my prime responsibility to provide my students with equal learning opportunities and support their continuous intellectual, social, and personal development. As a teacher, I feel that my primary goal is to spur learning by creating a learning environment where the subject matter is presented in an interesting manner with an active involvement of the students in thought-provoking group discussions. I believe that curiosity is a powerful driving force which motivates students to work hard and find answers to the problems. Rather, memorizing the material, the students should question and find answers. In my opinion, problem-solving exercises are effective in encouraging students, working in groups helps them learn the importance of teamwork and collaboration. It brings confidence and brush-up their leadership qualities. Employing case studies, industrial visits, and internship oriented systems can bring in active industrial collaboration by filling the industry-academia gap with continuous assessment of industrial needs and subsequent adaptation of the curriculum and teaching strategies. Lastly, in my opinion, outcome-based education is effective in gauging students’ learning. By closing the loop, not only the student learning but also the teaching performance can be improved.

المواد والمحاضرات

مقدمة فى هندسة و علم المواد 212 CHEN
ميكانيكا الموائع 231 CHEN
ديناميكا حرارية المواد 301 CHEN
كيمياء كهربية وهندسة التاكل 311 CHEN
عمليات الفصل 333 CHEN
معمل العمليات الموحدة 431 CHEN
مشروع التخرج 499 CHEN
كيمياء فيزيائية متقدمة 602 CHEN

مجالات الخبرة

تحول كتلة حيوية , اللب والورق
تحول كتلة حيوية , اللب والورق
تحول كتلة حيوية , اللب والورق