المعلومات الشخصية

أستاذ مساعد

قسم قسم طب الاطفال

كلية الطب برابغ

وسائل التواصل

هاتف: 200667

بريد الكتروني: thalawa@kau.edu.sa

طاهر فوزي احمد حلاوة

أستاذ مساعد

نبذة عامة

My research areas of expertise are in multipurpose research laboratories development and synchronisation of high-quality performance   experimental investigations ranging from   clinical haematology   and functional proteomics and Metabolomics with a strong background in molecular biology and genomic medicine.

Likewise, I have chief experience in experimental design and execution of multidisciplinary research projects related to biomaterials, smart diagnostics, drug delivery, tissue engineering and novel nutrimental implications. Moreover, I have extensive skills and experience in biological research, documentation, teaching/instruction and clinical laboratory environments.

الشهادات العلمية

الخبرات السابقة

الاهتمامات البحثية

My research areas of expertise are in multipurpose research laboratories development and synchronisation of high-quality performance   experimental investigations ranging from   clinical haematology   and functional proteomics and Metabolomics with a strong background in molecular biology and genomic medicine.

Likewise, I have chief experience in experimental design and execution of multidisciplinary research projects related to biomaterials, smart diagnostics, drug delivery, tissue engineering and novel nutrimental implications. Moreover, I have extensive skills and experience in biological research, documentation, teaching/instruction and clinical laboratory environments

الاهتمامات العلمية

المواد والمحاضرات

مجالات الخبرة