Email Features and Tips Brochures

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(Do not rely on the privacy of email and make sure to use the controls and regulations of using email).

Dealing with email is no different from our daily life activities. It has new and moderate rules and regulations that help us communicate online without problems or troubles. It has rules that must be used to make our communication with others perfect. Following are those rules:

  1. Try to shorten your message as much as possible. If you want your message to be read, it should be short, straightforward, clear and to the point.
  2. Make a good impression of yourself. When you write a letter, remember that the written word is your way of giving a good picture of yourself online. Be polite, and choose your words wisely.
  3. Remember that those who you send your messages to, may pass them on their mailing lists. A good impression of your personality will be circulated to everyone if your style is polite and accurate. In the opposite case, you will leave a bad impression of yourself with many whom you know, and you do not know.
  4. Open your email regularly, and reply to messages that need to be answered, so as not to be late on your friends, and clear the messages you do not need.
  5. Do not send personal information via "mail", which strangers may find.
  6. Do not rush to send any messages when you are angry, wait until you calm down then respond.
  7. Be sure to write the title of the subject of your message in the subject area clearly, directly and specifically, to explain to the addressee, the contents of the message before opening it, and to realize its importance. Based on the subject, the recipient will decide whether to read your message now or to postpone. The addressee might also discard the message before reading it.
  8. Do not send large attachments, the other party may have a slow connection to the Internet, and such a situation may be disturbing, and you should be aware of the quality of your friend’s connection before you send a large file, and if the connection is slow, then do not exaggerate the size of the file, a maximum of 100 KB.
  9. Use a standard Arabic language, and stay away from spoken dialects, because they may be understood by some nationalities, but incomprehensible to other nationalities. Also, a word in your spoken dialect may have a normal meaning but have an immoral meaning or an insult to another nationality. On the other hand, when emailing a close friend, your commitment to classical Arabic is not essential.
  10. When you send a message to a group of people and you want to hide the addresses of the recipients to protect their privacy, so that their addresses are not accessible to spammers who flood their mail with annoying messages, you can do this by putting their addresses in front of the word BBC and not in front of TO or in front of Cc, while placing your address in the To field. In this way the addresses of the recipients are hidden, thus protecting their privacy and preventing their exploitation by spammers.
  11. You must respect the privacy of others! Do not add any mailing address to your mailing list, and then send out mass messages. The address will be distributed to everyone on the list, so when you pass your message they will also send it to their mailing lists and add it to their lists. So, in addition to being disturbed by the "spam" messages that sink his mail daily, he’ll also receive a lot of useless messages.
  12. Do not get angry or sad or blame your friends when they do not respond to your messages containing jokes or pictures. Imagine that if you get 100 emails of invitations, jokes, and mailing lists, you may receive more than 100 messages a day, which is impossible to reply to all of them. That would require you to stay "connected" throughout the day only to respond to messages.
  13. Be aware that there are Internet users using different browsers, as well as multiple email programs, so do not use strange lines. Use the usual fonts, because they might appear in strange symbols and the recipient won’t be able to read them.
  14. If you want to reply to a message, use Reply command. The reply will only be sent to the sender of the message. If it is a group message, you should be careful not to press Reply to all. If you do, the reply will be sent to everyone who received this message.
  15. Sort your mailing list into a group of lists, depending on their interests, hobbies or how they are related to you, for example school friends, friends in your relatives, internet friends, teachers, and so on. Also, labeling makes it easy for you to type the titles, so writing the name of the list in front of the word Bcc would be enough for the message to be sent to everyone on the list.
  16. Do not open any files attached to you online without verifying their sources, they may be files containing viruses or spyware, even if these files were sent by a friend you know, because there are those who use the addresses of others to send malicious files.

Last Update
9/12/2018 1:04:54 PM