Department of User Services
الرسائل العلمية بجامعة الملك عبد
The Employees of the Department
Mr. Faiz Ayad Alahmadi
Director of Financial and Administrative Affairs
Tel: 6952481
Name |
Position |
Extension (6952000) |
Mr. Muhammad Munshi
Vice Director of Financ. and Admin. Affairs
Mr. Hussain Mahdi
Dean’s Secretary
Mr. Abdul-aziz Hambazaza
Dean’s Secretary
Mr. Motlak Alnefaieey
Pub. Relat. & Inform. Director
Mr. Aziz Alselami
Head, Accounting Unit
Mr. Lutfi Al-Subaee
Follow-up Unit
Functions of the Directorate
- Supervising the Library Employees.
- Preparing the library budget.
- Organizing the normal and emergency vacation for the library employees.
- Nominating the library employees for internal and external training courses.
- Endorsing competence reports for the library employees.
- Addressing the University concerned sectors for procuring the needs of the Deanship.
- Participating in the different committees concerned with financial and administrative affairs.
- Following up the implementation of the systems and regulations of the administrative and financial affairs and operation.
- Overseeing the Deanship’s employees.
- Participating in the preparation of the Deanship’s annual budget proposal.
- Participating in the procurement of the Deanship’s requirements like devices, instruments …etc.
- Participating in the preparation of the training plans of the Deanship’s employees and to be endorsed by the Dean and following up its implementation after its endorsed within the University Plan for Training.
- Heading the Committee of the Treasurer Inventory and the Warehouses belonging to the Deanship.
- Overseeing the process of organizing the Deanship’s Warehouse to guarantee a continuous supply of requirements.
- Overseeing the Deanship’s building and noting the works of maintenance, cleanliness, guarding, and coordinating with other related sides.
- Contacting different authorities at the University in relation to its responsibilities.
- Implementing any other works assigned to by the Dean or deputized the authority for implementation.
- Presenting periodical and annual reports to the Dean about the positions of the Deanship’s administrative and financial affairs.
- Overseeing all Deanship’s Employees and specifying their responsibilities.
- Reporting about the Deanship’s employees assuming work after appointment and vacation and when they left work.
- Participating in the committees of interviewing the candidates for work at the Deanship.
- Participating in the nomination of the Deanship’s administrators, technicians, and workers to attend the inside and outside training courses after obtaining the consent of the Dean.
- Preparing the administrative performance evaluations of the Deanship’s employees and endorsing them by the Dean.
- Observing the attendance and leaving for all Deanship’s employees.
- Discussing the Deanship’s budget with the Directorate of Planning and Budget and also distributing the Deanships items before endorsement by the concerned authority.
- Issueing the transference letters of the Deanship’s employees for medical examination in the University medical units.
- Performing the communications related to finalizing the requirements of residence and visas for non Saudis belonging to the Deanship.
- Overseeing the Deanship’s Warehouses and their charges of assets and endorsing their spending.
- Organizing the normal vacations of the Deanship’s employees who are under the administrative supervision.
- Coordinating the Deanship’s communications with the University General Administration.
- Signing the blame, warning and deduction penalties on employees in the domain of the administrative supervision and according to regulations.
- Issueing the decisions of order for overtime work for the Deanship’s employees after the Dean’s.
- Endorsing the minutes of receipt and notes of inclusion and elimination.
- Endorsing the data related to the ending of delegation duty for all Deanship’s employees.
- Endorsing the purchasing processes from the deanship’s standing loan in relation to the immediate needs.