الأبحاث العلمية


· Chatti W, Soltane B, and Abalala T. 2017. Impact of Public Transport Policy on Urban Growth and Welfare (under review)

· Islam M, Abalala T, Karim A, and Murad W. 2017 Do Sustainable Procurement Practices Improve Organizational Performance? (Accepted by Sustainability) [ ISI Impact Factor: 1.789]

· Islam M, Murad M, McMurray A and Abalala T.  Aspects of sustainable procurement practices by public and private organizations in Saudi Arabia: an empirical study. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504509.2016.1209794  [ ISI Impact Factor: 1.609] ]

· Abalala T, Sollis R. The Saturday effect: an interesting anomaly in the Saudi stock market. Applied Economics 2015, 47(58), 6317-6330. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2015.1071469  ] ISI Impact Factor: 0.586]

· Abalala, T, 'An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Major Economic and Seasonal Factors and Saudi Stock Returns',  proceedings of the 2nd Saudi Innovation Conference 2008, Leeds 9-10 June 2008.

Research grants

· Women Career Aspiration in Starting their Business in KSA. (Grant No. G-1436/120/477; SR 41,600 grant from KAU)

· Success Factors of Sustainable Procurement and their Integration. The Saudi Arabian Experience. (Grant No. G-1434/120/90; SR 53.400 grant from KAU. A collaborative research with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of  Technology, Australia).

· Instilling Ethics in Small and Medium Scale Enterprise in Saudi Arabia: An empirical study. (Grant No. G-438/120/588; SR 44,800 grant from KAU ).

· Surviving the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Firms in Dow Jones Islamic Index. (Grant No. G-438/120/622; SR 41,800 grant from KAU)



آخر تحديث
12/25/2016 5:55:51 PM