المنشورات البحثية Research Publications


                                                                                                                                                                           Selected Publications 

  1. Osman, Ahmed Hamza, and Hani Moetque Aljahdali. " Role Term-Based Semantic Similarity Technique for Idea Plagiarism Detection". "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 9.8 (2018).
  2. Osman Ahmed Hamza and Barukab OM (2017). SVM significant role selection method for improving semantic text plagiarism detection. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(8): 112-122.
  3. Osman, Ahmed Hamza "An Enhanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis Scheme based on Two-Step-SVM Technique." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 8.4 (2017): 158-165.
  4. Osman, Ahmed Hamza and Hani Moetque Aljahdali " Feature Weight Optimization Mechanism for Email Spam Detection based on Two-step Clustering Algorithm and Logistic Regression Method. " INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 8.10 (2017).
  5. Osman, Ahmed Hamza, and Hani Moetque Aljahdali. "Diabetes disease diagnosis method based on feature extraction using K-SVM". "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 8.1 (2017).
  6. ALTAHER, ALTYEB, and Ahmed H. Osman. "AN INTELLIGENT APPROACH FOR PREDICTING SOCIAL MEDIA IMPACT ON BRAND BUILDING." Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology 95.17 (2017).
  7. Hassan, Syed Asif, and Osman, Ahmed Hamza. "An Improved Machine Learning Approach to Enhance the Predictive Accuracy for Screening Potential Active USP1/UAF1 Inhibitors." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 8.4 (2017): 144-148.
  8. Alshamrani, Barakat Saeed, and Osman, Ahmed Hamza. "Investigation of Hepatitis Disease Diagnosis using Different Types of Neural Network Algorithms." International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) 17.2 (2017): 242.
  9. Osman, Ahmed Hamza. "An Evaluation Model of Tecaching Assistant using Artificial Neural Network." VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences 11.2 (2016): 10-14.
  10. Nadir Omer Fadl Elssied, Othman Ibrahim, Ahmed H. Osman (2015). Enhancement of spam detection mechanism based on hybrid k-mean clustering and support vector machine. Soft Computing, DOI 10.1007/s00500-014-1479-2. Springer. (WOS-ISI & Scopus indexed, Impact Factor: 1.5).
  11. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  , Binwahlan, M.  S. Salem, Rihab Alteeb. (2012). An Improved Plagiarism Detection Scheme Based on Semantic Role Labeling. Applied Soft Computing, 12, 1493-1502. Elsevier. (WOS-ISI & Scopus indexed, Impact Factor: 2.6).
  12. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  , Binwahlan, M.  S. Salem, Hamza Hantably, Albaraa m. Ali (2011). Conceptual Similarity and Graph-Based Method for Plagiarism Detection. Journal of theoretical and applied information technology, Volume32, Issue 2, pp 135 – 145, 2011. (Scopus indexed).
  13. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  , Binwahlan, M.  S. Salem (2010). Plagiarism Detection Using Graph-based Representation. Journal of Computing, Volume2, Issue 4, April 2010, ISSN 2151-9617.
  14. Ahmed Hamza Osman and Naomie Salim. (2012). A  New Text Plagiarism Detection Approach Based on Semantic Role Labelling Method. Pertanika  Special Issue of Journal of Science & Technology (JST). (A best paper selected from CAMP 2012 and will publish in Jan 2013). (Scopus indexed).
  15. Ahmed Hamza Osman, Naomie Salim, Albaraa Abuobieda (2012).  Survey of Text Plagiarism Detection. Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2012, ISSN 2252-5459.
  16. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  , Binwahlan, M.  S. Salem (2011). إستخدام الرسم البياني والادوار الإعرابية والنحوية فى إكتشاف  سرقة وإنتحال  النصوص  . Special issue of the Communications of Arab Computer Society.
  17. Albaraa Abuobieda m. Ali, Salim  Naomie.  Rihab Eltayeb Ahmed,Mohammed Salem Binwahlan, Ladda Suanmali,  Ahmed Hamza Osman, Pseudo Genetic and Probabilistic-Based Feature Selection Method for Extractive Single Document Summarization. Journal of theoretical and applied information technology, Volume32, Issue 1, pp 80 - 87, 2011. (Scopus indexed).
  18. Hafizullah Amin Hashim, Ali Ahmed, Naomie Salim, Oh Yu Sheng, Ahmed Hamza Osman, Alex Sim, Aryati Bakri, Nor Hawaniah Zakaria, Roliana Ibrahim, Shahir Shamsir Omar. (2013). “A New Database Integration Model Using An Ontology-Driven Mediated Warehousing Approach”. Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology. Vol 56(2), Pp: 392-409. (Scopus).
  19. Nadir Omer Fadl Elssied , Othman Ibrahim  and Ahmed Hamza Osman. A Novel Feature Selection Based on One-Way ANOVA F-Test for E-Mail Spam Classification. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(3): 625-638, 2014.
  20. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie , Yogan Jaya and Albaraa Abuobieda (2012). Fuzzy Semantic Plagiarism Detection. Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications Vol 322. pp 543-553. ISSN 1865-0929. LNCS Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (Scopus indexed). Book Chapter.
  21. Albaraa Abuobieda, Naomie Salim and Ahmed H. Osman .An Improved Evolutionary Algorithm for Extractive Text Summarization. Intelligent Information and Database Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7803, 2013, pp 78-89.

  22. Abuobieda., A., N. Salim., A. TawfikAlbaham., Ahmed Hamza Osman. Opposition Differential Evolution Based Method for Text Summarization. Intelligent Information and Database Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7802, 2013, pp 487-496. Book Chapter.

  23. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie. An Improved Plagiarism Detection Scheme Based on Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection . International Conference on Computing, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCEEE) Khartoum- Sudan 2013.  P. 640 – 647 (WOS- ISI & Scopus indexed).

    Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie. A Tree-based Conceptual Matching For Plagiarism Detection . International Conference on Computing, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCEEE) Khartoum- Sudan 2013.  P. 647 – 655 (WOS- ISI & Scopus indexed).

  24. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie , Yogan Jaya and Albaraa Abuobieda (2012). Fuzzy Semantic Plagiarism Detection. The First International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications  (AMLTA 2012) - Cairo, Egypt - 8-10, December, 2012. LNCS Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (Scopus indexed).

  25. Ahmed Hamza Osman, Naomie Salim, Mohammed Salem Binwahlan, Ssennoga Twaha, Yogan Jaya Kumar and Albaraa Abuobieda  Plagiarism Detection Scheme Based on Semantic Role Labeling. International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management 2012(CAMP'12) UPM- Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (13-15) March 2012. (Scopus indexed).

  26. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  , Binwahlan,  M.  S. Salem(2011). Novel Method for Plagiarism Detection Using Concept Extraction and Graph-based Representation. International Conference (SEATUC) Symposium Proceedings of the 5th Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Hanoi-Vitnam). (24-26) Feb 2011.

  27. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  N.  , Binwahlan,  M.  S. Salem(2011). Text plagiarism Detection Using Graph-based Representation. 7thInternational Computing Conference in Arab (ICCA) Proceedings of the 5th Ryad Alimam Mohammed Bin Sod University (Sudia Arabia-Ryad). (29-31) May 2011.

  28. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  , Binwahlan,  M.  S. Salem(2012). Semantic Role Labeling for Plagiarism Detection Representation. International Conference (SEATUC) Symposium Proceedings of the 6th KMUTT (Bangmod, Thailand). (6-7) March 2012. (Accepted).

  29. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  (2012). إكتشاف إنتحال وسرقة النصوص عن طريق الدور المنطقى والإعرابى للجمل 5th Virtual Workshop on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications, Ryad King Fahd University (Sudia Arabia-Ryad). (10-11) September 2012. (Accepted).

  30. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  (2012). إستخدام الرسم البيانى فى إكتشاف سرقة وانتحال النصوص 5th Virtual Workshop on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications, Ryad King Fahd University (Sudia Arabia-Ryad). (10-11) September 2012. (Accepted).

  31. Yogan Jaya Kumar, Naomie Salim, Ahmed Hamza Osman .Automatic Identification of Cross-document Structural Relationships. International Conference on Computing, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCEEE2013) Khartoum- Sudan. (Scopus).

  32. Kumar, Y.J, Salim, N., Ahmed Hamza Osman and Abuobieda A. (2013). “Using SVMs for Classfication of Cross-Document Relationships”.  Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology.Vol 21(1), pp 239-246. (Scopus).

  33. Albaraa Abuobieda m. Ali, Salim  Naomie.  Rihab Eltayeb Ahmed,Mohammed Salem Binwahlan, Ladda Suanmali,  Ahmed Hamza Osman. Text Summarization Features Selection Method using Pseudo Genetic-based Model.  International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management 2012(CAMP'12) UPM- Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (13-15) March 2012. (Scopus indexed).

  34. Yogan Jaya Kumar, Naomie Salim, Ahmed Hamza Osman, Albarraa Abuobieda. Automatic identification of Cross-document Structural Relationships. International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management 2012(CAMP'12) UPM- Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (13-15) March 2012. (Scopus indexed).

  35. Ammar A.E. Elhadi , Mohd A. Maarof and Ahmed H. Osman , Malware Detection Based on Hybrid Signature Behavior Application Programming Interface Call Graph. American Journal of Applied Sciences. Volume9, Issue 3, pp 283-288, 2012. (Scopus indexed).

  36. Abuobieda., A., N. Salim., A. TawfikAlbaham., A.H. Osman., and Y.J. Kumar. Text Summarization Features Selection Method using Pseudo Genetic-based Model.in International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management. 2012. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE, (Scopus index).

  37. Abuobieda., A., N. Salim., A.H. Osman., and Y.J. Kumar, Opposition Differential Evolution Based Method for Text Summarization, in Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2013. Springer-Verlag: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (indexed by DBLP, EI, Scopus, and Thomson ISI).

  38. Abuobieda., A., N. Salim., A.H. Osman., and Y.J. Kumar, An Improved Evolutionary Algorithm for Extractive Text Summarization, in Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2013. Springer-Verlag: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (indexed by DBLP, EI, Scopus, and Thomson ISI).

  39. Ahmed H. Osman, Albaraa Abuobieda (2017).  توظيف الدور المنطقي والإعرابي للجملة في اكتشاف تشابه الأفكار العلمية. International Conference on Computing in Arabic- ICCA 2017 and the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Education and Training TICET 2017.
  40. Ahmed H. Osman, Salim  Naomie.  , Binwahlan, M.  S. Salem (2010). Plagiarism Detection Using Graph-based Representation. Accepted paper in PARS2010 paper no 44. University Technology Malaysia (UTM). Local Conference in Malaysia

Patents and Innovations

1- Patents No: 1


    - Name of the inventor or inventors: Ahmed Hamza Osman, Naomie Salim

    - No. of the patentPI 2016701246

    - Date of recording the patent and where is it recorded: Granted and Accepted (Oct 2016) - Date Open to Public (05/10/2017)

    - Give name of the institution: Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO)

                                 Link: http://ipjournal.myipo.gov.my/ipjournal/index.cfm?  pg=publication/18month_details&id=10&year=2017

    - Benefit of the patent: Fighting text semantic plagiarism


2- Patents No: 2


    - Name of the inventor or inventors: Ahmed Hamza Osman, Naomie Salim

    - No. of the patentPI 2016701247

    - Date of recording the patent and where is it recorded: Granted and Accepted (Oct 2016) -  Date Open to Public (05/10/2017)

    - Give name of the institution: Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO)

                              Link: http://ipjournal.myipo.gov.my/ipjournal/index.cfm?  pg=publication/18month_details&id=10&year=2017

    - Benefit of the patent: Fighting text semantic plagiarism

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10/4/2018 12:09:06 PM