KAU hosts meeting of Saudi deans of students' affairs


Meeting of the Saudi deans of students' affairs was hosted, Wednesday, by the Deanship of Student Affairs of King Abdulaziz University (KAU).

Prof Abdelmonim Alhayani, KAU Dean of Student Affairs, welcomed the guests and stressed the importance of the meeting, which was held with the purpose of bringing together Saudi deans of student affairs to exchange views and discuss ways of encouraging students to get involved in extracurricular activities so as to surface their talents and provide a mechanism to discover and nominate gifted students for international competitions.

A presentation was also given by Dr Masood Al-Qahtai, KAU Vice Dean for Cultural and Social Activities, on the extracurricular activities organized by KAU Deanship of Student Affairs.


Last Update
12/8/2013 9:52:56 AM

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