Personal Information


Department of  Foreign Languages and Literature

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Contact Information

Phone: 6952000 Ext. 63126






Maather Al-Rawi is an associate professor at King Abdulazziz University, the Department of European languages and Literature, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, the School of Modern Languages, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK and a MA in Linguistics from the same university. She is specialized in Syntax in the topic of 'Determiner Phrase Hypothesis'. 


  • 1999

    Bachelor degree from European Languages- EnglishFaculty of Arts and Humanities, King Abduaziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2000

    Master degree from Departement of Linguistics andSchool of Modern Languages, University of Leeds- UK, ليدز, بريطانيا

  • 2005

    Doctorate degree from Department of Linguistics andSchool of Modern Languages, Leeds University-UK, ليدز, بريطانيا


  • 1900-1900

    , , , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1900-2024

    Professor, King Abdulaziz University, , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2005-2020

    Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University , جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2007-2019

    Post-graduates Coordinator, Department of European Languages and Literature, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2020-حاليا

    Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

Her major research interests have been in analysing the syntax of Semitic languages and in describing the syntactic features of the English varieties.

Scientific interests

Dr. Maather is a syntactic researcher who is interested in the topic of 'Determiner Phrases'. Her main goal in the research is to support the DP hypothesis as opposed to NP (Noun Phrase) through analyzing various forms of noun phrases in Semitic Languages. 


Areas of expertise