المعلومات الشخصية


قسم تقنيةالمختبرات

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

وسائل التواصل

هاتف: 6592000

بريد الكتروني: adalzahrani@kau.edu.sa

عبدالرحمن درباش موسي الزهراني


نبذة عامة

Held positions & Experiences



  • Ø-Chairman of the Clinical Psychology Dept. Faculty of Applied medical sciences.
  • Ø-Former chairman of the Department of Psychology Jeddah University.
  • Ø-Coordinator & Lecturer of Behavioural sciences, King Saud University for health sciences, Jeddah. (3 years).
  • Ø-PhD in Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • Ø- MA in Developmental disorders, Durham University, UK.


    External examiner of international PhD theses and dissertations in Clinical Psychology.


  • Ø- (Examining the psychometric properties of Anticipation Anxiety Inventory). University of Nicosia.
  • Ø- (Levels of Stress Among Medical Students Studying in Cyprus and its Relationship with, Anxiety, Depression, Burnout and Quality of Life). University of Nicosia.
  • Ø- Dispositional Mindfulness: The Correlations Between Time Perspectives, Prospection, and Mental Well-Being. University of Nicosia.
  • Ø - (The Desperation and anxiety among a sample of people with dyslexia compared to a sample without dyslexia) Kuwait University.
  • (Perfectionism and its Relationship to Self-confidence among a Sample of Brilliant Students at Kuwait University)
  • Kuwait University.


     Research interest

  • Mood disorders .
  • Developmental disabilities.
  • Cognitive impairments.
  • Lateralisation of emotion.
  • Regulation of emotion.



- Effects of depression, stress and other factors on cradling bias in Saudi males and females (PhD. Thesis)


- Left ear advantages in detecting emotional tones using Dichotic listening Task in an Arabic Sample. Laterality.2013; 18(6):730-47.


- Some variables that related to marital adjustment in its relations to the feeling of emotional separation among Saudi teachers. (Dubai).


- The effectiveness of using the new multidimensional assessment scale in diagnosing depression in adolescents. (Egypt).


- Sleep disorder in light of the variation of ego strength levels, meta-cognition, and emotional sensitivity among undergraduate students. (2018). Journal of Scientific Research in Education. 19. (Egypt).


- Factorial Structure of the Emotional Intelligence Scale Using EFA and CFA Methods. (2018); 70, (2) Faculty of Education, Tanta University, (Egypt).


- Risk Factors for Postnatal Depression among Primipara Mothers. (2019) the Spanish Journal of Psychology, 22. e35. Doi: 10.1017/sjp.2019.33.


- Assessing the Attitudes of Medical Students towards Psychiatry: a New Paradigm. (2019) Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 43:17-23.

- The Role of Working Memory Components in predicting Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). International Journal of Educational Psychological Studies (2019).


- Cognitive Distortions, Mental Flexibility, Emotional Awareness, and Psychological Hardness as Cognitive Conception anxiety predictors among undergraduates. (2019), Journal of Education. Azhar University, April 182, (Egypt).


- Gender Dysphoria in light of some predictive factors among Female Undergraduates. (2020), Journal of humanities and social sciences. Imam University.

- Risk Factors for Postnatal Depression among Primipara Mothers. (2019) The Spanish Journal of Psychology (2019), 22, e35, 1–8. doi:10.1017/sjp.2019.33

الشهادات العلمية

الخبرات السابقة

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الاهتمامات العلمية

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